>>1981773no point. focus on where you get the most bang for your buck, IE dense population centers. no point wasting a limited transit budget where it won't be used. if you want ruralites to get off cars just make gas more expensive, since they're all poorfaggots they'll be getting their obese redneck asses on bikes when gas hits double digits. american ruralites are a disgrace. fat, trashy, uneducated, lazy, sucking on welfare's teat while shitting out 20 kids. they have more in common with bangladeshis than with actual white people. as far as i'm concerned, kill them all and turn the land into wildlife refuges. almost everyone in rural areas is on meth, fent, or h. that is, between all the cigs and piss beer they suck down. i really wish we could just eradicate them.
focus on things that matter, like banning cars from the florida keys to save those cute little mini deer.