>>1989304I don't think Amtracking Boeing would be a good idea unless there was complete dismissal given to all the staff and the assets split in a style a-la the Bell Telephone System breakup (and look where that led to today with AT&T and the the like).
I think the best solution would be to cut Boeing any favoritism by bringing in legislation which holds the FAA to a higher level responsibility in airline safety within individual airlines and airplane manufacturers to adhere to a standard that at least Airbus and others agree is rigorous enough (Boeing could pout about it). Ideally records and inspections would be publicly available, and interaction would be akin to the FDA and foot plants (not ideal! but better!)
After that, use the power of tax incentives, prizes, etc. to companies that meet the requirements in producing airworthy aircraft that pursue some non-spurious end. Don't expect most to go anywhere - the point is to basic light a fire under Boeing's ass until either they "innovate" to what everyone actually expected of them, or lose out as new, legitimate market competitors rise out of the flames.