>>2008353Your body can only absorb about a pint of water per hour, more than that and it just gets flushed out through your urine, uselessly.
Also Gatorade is shit-tier when it comes to electrolytes, it doesn't contain the full spectrum of them, and what it does have is not enough, especially on hot days.
You need to be hydrated *before* going out in the heat, and by that I mean you need to stay hydrated *every day*. If you're pounding water only when it's hot and you're thirsty, then it's too late and you're going to have problems.
BTW it's worse when the humidity is high, because it's harder for your sweat to evaporate, so you don't stay as cool.
Also if you're riding in the heat wearing street clothes and expect to perform well for long rides then you're fucking up, that's what lycra riding clothes are made to help with. Cotton jeans and cotton underwear hold onto sweat so you're just stewing in it for hours instead of it getting wicked to the surface and evaporating away to keep you cool. Say whatever you want about it but that's the reason technical clothing like that exists and denying it helps is just being stupid and stubborn for no reason.
I've also found that having sunscreen on exposed skin helps keep you cooler.
Finally though heat tolerance varies from person to person, and you have to build up heat tolerance over time. Riding all year 'round helps with that as you get more used to riding distances during the cooler parts of the year so when the hot weather arrives you're better conditioned for it.