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Midflight Shit

No.2009156 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Coordinate bathroom break with Shaniqua Thomas #1 ATL FA™
>Transfer flight controls
>Door, door, door
>Discuss sigma mindset with flight attendant for 3 min
>Wave finger - Send first class pax to cattle class to shit
>Wink at MILF in seat 2C
>Close door at D-0
>Pull down pants
>Jelq for good luck
>Look at seat
>Wipe away asshairs and back seat poop kiss
>Layer half of one roll on seat for “protection”
>Spread ass cheeks so far you incure a hemorrhoid
>Pull up cock and balls - aim hole down
>Let out a stench so foul nazi soldiers smile in the grave
>Stare ahead in mirror
>Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he has created?