>>2024901>Why the fuck would you need a parking lane there? Every house here has a driveway and a garage.Holidays and multiple unrelated people living in the same place.
>>2024919>between two moving lanes One of them is a parking lane.
>which is highly unlikely to be used if ever so that space is effectively wastedIf it were an issue of wasted space, then bike lanes should be MORE scrutinized if they replace a well-used parking lane or traffic lane.
Get rid of em, and get rid of the grass in the middle. Instead have a green strip on either side, with trees and place sidewalks and bikelanes there, seperated by an additional curb for pedestrian safety.
>If you have to keep the street and pavement as is, then I here I personally would put the bike lane next to the median with curb barriers While it would eliminate the issue of dooring (which if the number of cars parked on the street is low then the chances of getting doored is also low) that seems really impractical from turning left and right. A dotted-line "shared lane" for turns I've never seen on left-turn lanes before, and that might actually be better since people tend to look to their left when doing merges anyway.
>simple speed bumps It's 30 mph, which is a neighborhood speed, but speed humps aren't rated for 30 mph. Speed tables maybe, but advocating for speed humps is counter-intuitive since the biggest "enemy" of the roads, big pickup trucks, are the ones LEAST affected by speed humps.