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/btg/ - Bike Tire General

No.2035254 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's discuss bike tires here.

>tfw after two years and ~6,500 miles on it, it's time to replace my rear gatorskin because I've gotten two flats from tiny shards of metal within the past week

Quick flats from minor shit is always my sign that it's time to retire it, it's also peeling in a few spots. I have rotated it before this, last May.

I know you guys meme them here, but I've only used GS on my bike, these were my 6th set. I was going to try the Continental 4 Seasons because I heard it has a nicer ride than GS for not too much worse flat prevention, but a seller on Amazon was selling a GS pair like new in packaging for $68 so I couldn't pass it up. This is my only bike for everything that I use almost exclusively for commuting and transportation