>>799481Probably not, it was all signaled territory in the Rock's day, CSX leased it from the holding company for 50 years in 1980, everything west of Joliet to Bureau. (Metra owns it from Joliet to LaSalle St. station and it's very well maintained and probably better track than the Rock Island ever was.) It's all dark territory now, meaning written track warrants from dispatchers.
Maybe 10 years back, CSX sublet from Utica to Bureau to the Iowa Interstate, because it was too pricey to maintain (I've been told.) Since 1980 CSX has torn out most of the double main, save for a few sidings and industry tracks. So now it's mostly single main. Much of the actual rail is 80-100 years old and in constant disrepair and just fucking ugly. Our track guys do a great job but it is constant band aid repairs.
In the past 2 years, there have been major 'improvements' done to the "New Rock" subdivison. Replacing miles of sectional rail with welded ribbon and major track projects in Rockdale, Minooka, and Utica. I have been told that it will all be dual main again in the distant future but I have serious doubts. Still, it continues to be a very profitable 44 miles of track.