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No.952764 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: Times you have encountered downtubes in real life
>be me
>just riding along
>see this guy sitting along the trail with his bike flipped upside down and rear wheel off
>ask if he's alright
>he says he got a flat and is trying to fix it
>he took the tire off
>took the tube out
>put the tire back on, both beads on the rim, without a tube in
>filled up his spare tube without putting it in the tire
>is now trying to figure out how to insert this fully inflated tube into this tire that's seated on the rim
>I try to explain what he did wrong
>he just gets upset and tries to force it in
>bursts the tube
>bursts into tears because it was his only spare tube
What an absolute fucking downtube, that guy.

Post your stories of encountering downtubes irl.