>>990008>>986717I have racked up a lot of hours on Train Fever, most of them while alt-tabbed out in frustration. The game is deeply flawed. Road and rail construction is very clunky and for some reason road can't be built over rail so if you want a level crossing you have to delete track, build the road and then rebuild the track and hope that it is in the correct position to be able to do so, or fiddle arould with overpasd construction which can be an even bigger nightmare. Crossovers don't exist, so for even simple double track junctions you have to pinch one set of track down to a single line. Stations have to be deleted and rebuilt to upgrade them, which with the fiddly controls is a real hassle. Pathing is very rudementary, no logic signals so you cant use more than one platform at a station per route. The game was basically abandoned unfinished, which considering that several of the problems I have listed are very deep seated fundamental problems within the game it might be justifiable if Transport Fever ends up being half decent. The footage looks promising, much of their video time seems to be covering key flaws within Train Fever that they are aiming to fix with Transport. Train Fever though is not worth the asking price.