Fact: President Donald J. Trump Protects Civil Rights and Merit-Based Opportunity by Ending Illegal DEI
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/trump-orders-federal-diversity-equity-inclusion-employees-placed-paid-rcna188679 Trump orders all federal diversity, equity and inclusion employees placed on paid leave starting Wednesday
The Trump administration also directed government agencies to draw up plans for firing workers in DEI roles.
The Trump administration is ordering all federal employees in diversity, equity and inclusion roles placed on paid leave by Wednesday evening, according to a new memo from the Office of Personnel Management.
The memo, issued Tuesday to heads of departments and agencies, sets a deadline of no later than 5 p.m. ET Wednesday to inform the employees that they will be put on paid administrative leave as the agencies prepare to close all DEI-related offices and programs and to remove all websites and social media accounts for such offices.
It also asks federal agencies to submit a written plan by Jan. 31 for dismissing the employees.
President Donald Trump signed an executive order Monday ending “radical and wasteful” diversity, equity and inclusion programs in federal agencies, with DEI offices and programs being ordered to shut down.
“President Trump campaigned on ending the scourge of DEI from our federal government and returning America to a merit based society where people are hired based on their skills, not for the color of their skin,” White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said in a statement Tuesday night. “This is another win for Americans of all races, religions, and creeds. Promises made, promises kept.”
It was not clear how many employees would be affected. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
>>1376404 My hate is the only reason I haven't become an hero. Our spite for things like you is what keeps our hearts beating.
>>1376409 Hitler had trans research burned and lgbt people were one of the primary non-jewish victims of the holocaust. I look forward to you one day following your leader's example and shooting yourself as authorities close in.
DEI is bad, /pol/tards are retarded, Trump's pretty cool, leftists are trash. How many people have I pissed off with this post?
>>1376424 It's DEIA now. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility. The A is usually left off by other cuckservatives, but thank god for Trump. The cripples are a drain on our economy and Trump is finally confronting that fact. Why do they deserve special treatment like ramps? It don't make no sense.
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>>1376425 Why do you hate those already in a worse position than yourself?
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>>1376409 Objectively false. This is Jewish propaganda
1376382 is typical white DEI Dunning–KRUGERer
1376382 is typical white DEI Dunning–KRUGERer Wed 22 Jan 2025 20:53:54 No. 1376443 Report >>1376382 White ethnics have been DEI hires for hundreds of yrs in white dominated nations. In the US, for example, a person of color didn't stand a chance of being hired over a white person for any skilled job(or any job). This anon is the perfect example of this. He(we all know it's a privileged white male opining) has been riding on his white male privilege for yrs and thinks he's smarter than he really is because of it. Many such cases. He's your typical
DEI diarrhea Dunning–KRUGERer
>>1376368 will this stop jews from being handed positions of power despite zero qualifications?
typical white DEI Dunning–KRUGERer
>>1376412 >LITERAL Nazis supported affirmative action against over-represented demographics: The "support" was killing them. You LITERAL stupid person(if you're under 20 yrs old, here's a pat on the head and try better next time)
self love starts with love of others
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>>1376415 >My hate is the only reason I haven't become an hero. YWNBAH, until you can look at yourself in a mirror, and say, "I will try harder to see the good in all people, and then 1 day I will see myself and feel love"
how come jooos got better jobs than me do
how come jooos got better jobs than me do Wed 22 Jan 2025 21:08:53 No. 1376458 Report Quoted By:
>>1376448 >will this stop jews from being handed positions of power despite zero qualifications? "They" are all smarter thsn you. Is this sufficient qualifications?
>>1376448 >meanwhile, Trump: >Gives head of the pentagon position to alcoholic former news host who never got anywhere near general when he was in the military and left over a decade ago >Gives FDA head to man with literally 0 medical or healthcare experience other than opposing vaccines >Tries to give Attorney General to guy with active sex trafficking allegations and literally about a year of experience as a lawyer Anonymous
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>>1376450 >Dunning-Kruger >if you're under 20 >LITERAL stupid person this is an overload of leftist projection especially since your comment proved that you're illiterate just like most other Zoomers.
>>1376443 oh I get it, you're just a troll. Not bad.
>>1376463 >>Gives head of the pentagon position to alcoholic former news host who never got anywhere near general when he was in the military and left over a decade ago based
>>Gives FDA head to man with literally 0 medical or healthcare experience other than opposing vaccines based and I trust JFK far more than Fauci or any doctor/scientist
>>Tries to give Attorney General to guy with active sex trafficking allegations and literally about a year of experience as a lawyer based and those allegations never went anywhere
It's been a long time coming, but getting these mindwashed degreed cretins out of government is the single best thing Trump is doing. Colleges are leftist mills, and the sooner we realize so called smarthy mouthed experts are malicious and less worthy of holding their position than a rando off the streets, the quicker we'll heal as a society. So yes, putting in new blood is extremely based.
>>1376469 Anon even leaving aside any personal issues or allegations, literally all three of these have 0 experience in anything remotely close to their positions.
>>1376471 And that’s a good thing.
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>>1376472 you're good at being a faggot
>>1376463 >Tries to give Attorney General to guy with active sex trafficking allegations For fucking a whore that claimed she was 19, that the FBI dropped due to credibility issues with their witness, years before Trump won the election. Meanwhile Biden is fucking his teenage daughter in the showers and I'm supposed to pretend that democrats give a fuck?
>>1376472 >Puts inexperienced retard in charge of organization >"Wait why are they so ineffectual and corrupt now? How could this have happened?" History loves repeating itself.
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>>1376477 >>"Wait why are they so ineffectual and corrupt now? How could this have happened?" Because public institutions are inherently ineffectual and corrupt. The government should only exist to wield force and discipline. Any services, like medical care or mail, should be provided by private entities.
>>1376476 >Still had sex with a trafficked 17 year old >Still corresponded with a convicted sex trafficker >Still participated in prostitution with a sex trafficking victim Anonymous
>>1376479 but what about hunter biden?????
>>1376472 For the billionaire class, yes.
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>>1376480 Ahh yes Hunter Biden, the US Secretary of Living In Your Head Rent Free
>>1376481 And? They've earned those billions through their grit and determination. If there is any inequality in wealth distribution, it's that the billionaires aren't making enough for what they provide to society while the bottom feeders take too much. When onerous regulations are removed, we see the invisible hand distribute wealth as the laws of nature dictate.
>>1376484 it's funny because you're a faggot who gets paid pennies to shill this drivel. pathetic
>1376484 Bait used to be believable
>>1376479 >Still had sex with a trafficked 17 year old That he didn't know was trafficked or 17.
>Still corresponded with a convicted sex trafficker That he was not aware of was a trafficker.
>Still participated in prostitution with a sex trafficking victim Implying victim. The bitch lied about her age for money. Stop trying to make this out like she was a child groomed at birth to be a sex slave. She knew what the fuck she was doing and was old enough to be responsible.
>>1376488 >>1376488 we get it, you fuck children too. i suggest turning yourself in before you hurt anyone else
>>1376489 >biden dindu nuffin Keep pretending you have the moral high ground on this faggot. Nobody buys it.
>>1376490 just don't end up in jail, you don't want to know how those with the relative moral high ground deal with your type
>>1376491 Yeah too bad my last name doesn't end in Biden.
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>>1376368 Actually Trump also revoked the executive order that prevents federal contractors from discriminating in their hiring practices. So now we can finally stop hiring white people at all.
>>1376492 why does nobody you claim should be locked up have any criminal convictions? why is trump a felon but it's okay when he does it
>>1376486 >>1376485 The words of a whining loser. You either make it big after grinding your ass to the bone, or die in a pool of piss in the gutter. That has always been the American dream.
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>>1376496 you're not american
>>1376491 >Look at how violent our criminals are! Lol. Lmao even.
Democrats. Not even once.
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>>1376495 >why does nobody you claim should be locked up have any criminal convictions? 1) who did I claim
2) Hunter Biden.
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>>1376498 >don't administer justice to pedophiles :,( so i guess i'm calling you a faggot and a pedo from now on
>>1376368 Good. We need to stop hiring unqualified niggers and faggots just because they're niggers and faggots.
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>>1376504 then why does op keep posting
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>>1376369 >Trump signed 46 executive orders and presidential actions Monday I'm having trouble seeing 46 listed anywhere, mayhaps you could help with that?
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>>1376406 >>1376404 >mad and seething, resorting to name-calling against defining what things simply are So you agree with
>>1376398 , who
>>1376404 was criticizing
>>1376398 for supposedly being 'edgy'.
>>1376406 has soup for brains. Anonymous
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>>1376409 >Hitler was all for transrights and gayrights Pink Triangles destroys your retarded opinions. Also, his destroying Ernst Rohm destroys your historical revisionism.
>buildign The Grammar Democrat Winston Churchill won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Gee, I wonder why?
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>>1376409 >Hitler was all for transrights and gayrights. Just when I think 4chan can't get more retarded...
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>>1376408 All Trannies and Jews shall be killed off. =3
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>>1376409 Please telling you're joke Kike.. Hitler hated faggots.