ON THE MORNING of January 28th April Mullins-Datko, the director of ADVOCAP, a social-services provider in Fond Du Lac, a city of 40,000 people in Wisconsin, put in her usual request to draw down $250,000 to pay staff salaries and other expenses connected with Head Start, a federal programme that provides child care, education and food to families on low incomes. Every other time ADVOCAP has done this the money has arrived within 48 hours.
This time it did not. As of February 9th ADVOCAP has received just $44,000 of the $250,000 they were expecting. To pay their workers, they have had to use bank credit. If the money does not materialise soon, they will have to begin laying off staff and shutting down their Head Start programme. The result will be 202 children without services and 80 staff members without jobs.
ADVOCAP appears to be a victim of Donald Trump’s seizure of the federal government’s payment systems. Its money should not be missing, according to the White House. A memo that froze much government funding, issued late on January 27th, was quickly rescinded after an outcry and a court ruling. Yet ADVOCAP’s money has not turned up and nobody seems able to explain why.
Ms Mullins-Datko says she has been calling anyone she can, but “they’re not responding. I’ve heard nothing from them.” She has received only one insight: “I called the Office of Head Start central office in DC and they said, ‘Oh, we’re sorry. This isn’t an Office of Head Start problem. This is a Treasury Department issue.’” Guidance sent to NGOs by the National Head Start Association, which represents service providers, confirms they too have been told that the problem is with the Treasury.
>>1382684 Keep laughing. We'll be coming to collect on the debts from subsidizing your third world socialist hellstates, with military force if necessary.
>>1382685 you're not american
>>1382685 You'll do nothing, you fat faggot. And, to make it even funnier, your transgender kids will start killing themselves en masse once your retarded friends in the fed government start slashing every welfare program to the ground. I cannot wait. I didn't think that I'd see the ruination of your shitty society in my lifetime, but watching it happen is funnier than I could have ever dreamed.
>>1382688 as russian this has been long time coming
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>>1382683 >It is not the government's job to provide aid/welfare. oy vey, you better make an exception for Israel or you're an antisemitic bigot!
>>1382687 >you're not american Neither are you. Think you are? Proof or GTFO, foreigner.
socialist pheonix arises from the ashes
socialist pheonix arises from the ashes Sun 09 Feb 2025 22:09:35 No. 1382707 Report Quoted By:
>>1382688 the fat wannabe fascist faggot aint gonna be larping when the city he lives in starts burning
>>1382703 >neither are you LOL. so you're literally not american. you're a really fucking dumb shill
>>1382709 >neither are you dumb and/or a kid EAASLer
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>EAASLer >>1382714 is easily a ESL non-American. Anonymous
>>1382714 sorry anon, "neither are you" implicitly admits that you're not either. if you weren't esl i wouldn't have to teach you this
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>>1382719 lol at the shill just abandoning the thread. double post btw
>>1382682 >Am I supposed to believe these cherry-picked examples you're giving represent the entire agency? Keep in mind the people who are entrusted with spending this money appear to think that said cherry-picked example is a perfectly acceptable use of the money borrowed by the US government, alongside numerous other cherry-picked examples, so what evidence do we have to demonstrate that these are the aberrations rather than the norm?
More interesting would be the answers to the questions of how much of the money ever made it to the supposedly funded individuals or groups, was used for its intended purpose, and whether any of it found its way back in the form of kickbacks, bribes and "campaign contributions".
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>>1382747 >I'M OUTRAGED!!1 Anonymous
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>>1382747 It never happened though. You just said it did. Your source is Elon Musk who has a conflict of interest.
>>1382683 You absolute fucking glue-sniffing window-licker of a retard, what good is a government if it doesn't support its citizens and allies? Your ideal government sounds like a big leather boot on the neck for no tangible benefit.
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>>1382912 Your replying to a salty larper
>>1382682 Yes, that's the idea. So-and-so organization spends hundreds of millions on good stuff, but it also spent a couple million on bad stuff, therefore it is corrupted beyond repair and needs to be shut down completely and replaced with something new, founded and run by Daddy Donny and his cronies.
This is what MAGA actually believes.
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>>1382912 Spending billions on destabilizing other countries and tranny shit is not supporting citizens
>>1382952 >couple million on bad stuff Literally tens of billions in bad stuff.
>>1382956 Miss is posting it daily. Go look for yourself. No I will not do your work for you. No, I do not give a shit about your cope and seething
>>1382956 174 billion to Ukraine
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>>1382959 >Go look for yourself. No I will not do your work for you. No argument, got it. As expected.
>>1382960 Bad stuff, anon.
>>1382960 This will never not make me mad. Ukraine is Russia. It wouldn't exist if not for the democrats fucking up Russia. Russia is just taking back land that is rightfully theirs. Who are we to get in the way of that?
>>1382969 Just like Canada, Greenland, and Panama belongs to you?
>>1382971 Totally different, but Panama and Canada should be ours by right. We built Panama Canal, and we basically built Canada with all our subsidization, then they go behind our back and make alliances with the Chicoms. And if Greenland won't protect itself and its resources, America must take them to stop the Chinese for acquiring it.
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>>1382969 >>1382973 >This will never not make me mad. Glad to hear it, you fucking freak.
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>>1382969 you should tell your boss that this russian talking point completely gives you away shill
>>1382960 >>1382969 >Seething about Ukraine unprompted This is how I know I'm talking to actual Russian government employees. They always try to turn it into a conversation about Ukraine aid. If you read intel reports about Russian networks online you'll see this is a recurring trend.
>>1382998 The Biden administration embezzled 209 billion for a fake war. Then you have billions more wasted on tranny shit and corruption. There are no fucking Russians on this board, you paid troon shill
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>>1383025 you're literally a russia shill. btw that probably just means you're indian or something
>>1382683 >governments job isn't to govern its people >but to siphon money from other nations so that it can pay off its debt Brightest minds from the richest and most successful nation on the history of the human race
>>1383042 That anon has down syndrome, but there's too much government. Deficit state and federal spending will eventually destroy the country. Too much money is being siphoned into the elites instead of being used to improve the country. Government projects have proven to be too inefficient to be left in government's hands.
>>1383044 >Too much money is being siphoned into the elites >Therefore, we will get rid of all the money NOT being spent on the elites Anonymous
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>>1383045 but anon, that wealth is totes going to trickle down any day! Who cares if all of these cuts are going straight towards paying for the billionaires tax cuts.
>>1383044 Checked. Are you retarded?
>>1383060 I've noticed a pattern where the chuds whine about elites and then bring up Trump and Musk and the dozen other billionaires Trump appointed to high government positions as though they aren't part of the elites.
>>1383045 Who do you think is getting rich off of millions of dollars to do gay sesame street in Iran and hundreds of millions in troon shit? Even zelensky himself said that they barely got any of the 200 billion the US was supposed to give in aid. Where did all of that money and military equipment go? Oopsies, some middle man Democrat scooped it all up
>>1383084 Trump actually cares about the American people. Pelosi and Democrats hate the country
>>1383086 I read this post in Ben Shapiro's voice
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>>1383085 >source: anon's ass Anonymous
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>>1383045 They always want to start cuts on SS, Medicaid/care, food stamps, child tax credits, public housing, etc., programs which actually help struggling families. There is a ton of waste involved (like Medicaid Advantage has the opposite problem of normal health insurance where your doctor/private insurer will overprescribe/overapprove for government $$$), but that doesn't invalidate the necessity of such services, much in the way that a police department or fire department being bad does not mean that you should completely abolish it. What it means that they need to close up loopholes, make government contracts actually competitive instead of a money siphon, and reevaluate the necessity of private-public partnerships, but to do that, we'd need to redefine lobbying laws.
>>1383087 I swear to god, Shapiro sounds like the voice that someone would put on to mock him. He's such a squeaky little fucker.
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>>1383025 Trump is still sending Ukraine aid.
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>>1383107 He's Jewish. Always point this out whenever he starts his diatribes and you will instantly win
>>1382691 You are not Russian, tranny
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>>1383316 Found the actual Russian