National Nuclear Security Administration officials on Friday attempted to notify some employees who had been let go the day before that they are now due to be reinstated — but they struggled to find them because they didn't have their new contact information.
In an email sent to employees at NNSA and obtained by NBC News, officials wrote, “The termination letters for some NNSA probationary employees are being rescinded, but we do not have a good way to get in touch with those personnel.”
The individuals the letter refers to had been fired on Thursday and lost access to their federal government email accounts. NNSA, which is within the Department of Energy and oversees the nation's nuclear stockpile, cannot reach these employees directly and is now asking recipients of the email, “Please work with your supervisors to send this information (once you get it) to people’s personal contact emails.”
The Department of Energy did not immediately respond to an NBC News request for comment.
President Donald Trump's administration has acted with unprecedented speed — and in some cases, questionable legality — in seeking to cut large portions of the federal government, laying off staff and ending contracts. But that speed has resulted in complications, including firing people agencies actually want to keep.
The emails come after multiple staff — all civil servants — at the NNSA received termination notices late Thursday, according to a source with direct knowledge of the notifications. NBC News reviewed the termination notification, which included the subject line: “Notification of Termination During Probationary/Trial Period.”
The NNSA is tasked with designing, building and overseeing the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile.
>>1384181 the problem is that Trump is being so impulsive about everything. Like, there is obviously a lot of government waste and a lot of things that need to be cut, but instead of figuring out what those things are before cutting them, they just impulsively cut things without even thinking about it.
>>1384228 Give it a rest ranjeet. I know you're paid to post here, but you need me material.
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>>1384230 you sure have a lot of typos esl faggot
>>1384221 >>1384227 Amercia don't need no colleges
rational minded people have known this for decades
us red states which make all the money that the government takes from us to feed to the blueies we don't have no scintests and we be doing fine other than the taxes that are destroying us
>>1384229 The problem is Trump. Of course he's impulsive, of course he doesn't have a plan, of course he's just doing shit without thinking and breaking shit, that's what he does.
This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
>>1384238 >>1384227 You guys take so much pride in being wrong. Not even "Oh, I don't agree with that" wrong, just saying things that are objectively the exact opposite of true.
This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone either.
You know what this reminds me of? When private equity takes over a company. The new bosses come in, only concerned with short-term profit, so gut everything, fire people at random, lower the quality of services/products, and generally makes everything worse. Those employees who remain now have double or triple the workload, but inertia keeps the company afloat and the profits increase relative to the expenses. The shareholders are happy and get to enjoy a nice sum for the first quarter, but within two years, everything has crashed and burned. This is basically what they're doing to the federal government.
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>>1384305 Yes, it is asset stripping. And when all this is done, most of your mandatory 'subscription' to the federal government will be rent paid to those who bought them.
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Two 1/2 wits ≠ whole wit
socialist pheonix arises from ashes
>>1384305 >the profits increase relative to the expenses. = tax breaks for billionaires
>>1384482 That and the gains from looting Canada.
>>1384482 >>1384483 It's more like they're going to cause a dip, then buy up pieces of the government to privatize on the cheap. You won't have taxes, you'll just have subscriptions instead. Sad thing about the way the modern economy is structured is that those who have the most and are the most responsible for creating economic turmoil are typically the one who benefit and gain the most from that turmoil, while normies who dindunuffin basically lose everything.
trumps fixing the economy. there will be short term suffering for long term gain.
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>>1384221 >just bring in some random guys without an education to deal with the nuclear weapons, because I'm convinced that universities are politically against me. Anonymous
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>>1384305 >>1384484 That is exactly what's happening, yes.
>>1384489 >for long term gain Didn't the last Trump term end with a major recession, an increased deficit, mass joblessness, mass inflation, and a much greater wealth gap?
Long term gain for who?
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>>1384496 you left out the race riots
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>>1384496 white collar criminals
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>>1384496 Yup, and then Biden got all the blame for it and none of the credit for the parts he fixed.
And we bought it. Because we're very stupid, you see.
Maybe our government should stop paying a salary to a person who they can't even identify.
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>>1384238 Nice I've never seen a post from someone who huffs paint AND has hookworm. Impressive
>>1384496 At its core, what Trump claims to want to do is a good thing. Remove wasteful spending and fix bloated budgets.
In reality, this anon summed it up well
>>1384260 . Trump is too quick on the trigger and just does shit without thinking about the best ways to go about doing said shit.
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>>1384506 Why?
>>1384512 >what Trump claims to want to do is a good thing It's a good thing for his billionaire buddies, correct. Meanwhile the rest of the country suffers. Name a republican president with a deregulatory agenda who didn't end up making the country worse because of it. On top of that there is a horrible strain of anti-intellectualism being promoted by him, which is going to put us in a dark age if it comes to fruition. Retards like
>>1384238 are the vanguard.
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>>1384506 retard we were able to identify them just fine before we took away the main means to communicate with them. This is what happens when you mass fire people who are in positions they normally wouldn't even think of firing unless they caused a fucking chernobyl.
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>you're fired.gif >actually could you come back? >pls respond.
>we can't contact these people or even identify them but we should definitely keep them on payroll No
>>1384496 His last term ended in a global pandemic.
If you want to talk about wages, real wages were up every year under trump and down every year under Biden. This is literal fact Anonymous
>>1384529 Inflation and cost of living/consumer price increases from Trump's retarded tariffs offset whatever minuscule increase in wages happened.
>>1384528 Mental gymnastic cope.
Anyway, they are trying to get them back on payroll.
>>1384536 Tariffs didn't cause inflation the last time they were used, why do you think they'd cause it this time?
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>>1384187 donnie dotard sure acts like a russian plant
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>>1384557 I didn't say they caused it, I said the tariffs along with inflation made the minuscule wage increases a punchline.
>>1384557 yes they did lmao. The only reason it wasn't more notable was because COVID happened right before we would've started seeing the full consequences. But even before then price of a lot of things were going up.
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>>1384528 >nuclear accident happens as a result Why would Obama-bin-laden and Killary do this?
>>1384552 >>Mental gymnastic cope. Anyway, they are trying to get them back on payroll. Who is they? Who are these indispensable people who no one can identify?
>>1384561 >confirmed by news outlet that recently had it's secret USAID funding taken away by Trump Hmmmm. I'm noticing a pattern.
>>1384562 >But even before then price of a lot of things were going up. No, they were not.
>>1384564 How much USAID money do you think CNN got paid to shill this article?
>>1384608 Only one doing mental gymnastics is you.
Between FOIA and the government website where all contract funding was posted, and updated nightly, USAID funding *ANYTHING* was and still is publicly available information. All of the spending they did can be tied back to legislation passed by congress.
Just because you were too lazy to file a FOIA or bother googling the information, doesn't make something a secret. It just makes you willfully ignorant. Anonymous
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>>1384613 >no u >still can't identify the employees Blah blah blah, cope harder. The cuts will continue.
>>1384608 Why do you blame everything you don't like on USAID? Do you have something against John F. Kennedy?
>>1384628 >However, USAID's contracts for Starlink products are not yet fully paid out. It's unclear whether they will be, due to efforts by U.S. President Donald Trump and Musk — the Department of Government Efficiency head — to dismantle USAID. As of this writing, USAID has spent $484,604 on Starlink products and services through third-party contractors and terminated its only Starlink contract with SpaceX. Oh nice, he terminated his own USAID contract.
Looks like he is cleaning it up and not being biased.
But I know your EDS makes you crazy and unreasonable, so you won't admit this
>>1384632 USAID was looking into his contracts before he defunded them. Odds were they were going to cancel them anyways.
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>>1384638 Who cares what your headcanon is.
Musk canceled his own USAID contracts. This is fact and no amount of unsubstantiated imaginary headcanon or cope from you will change that.
>>1384627 To begin with, they're against any handouts on principle. Even if the handout is to your benefit (like throwing cheap shit at another country to undermine a group you don't like, make them dependent on you, and/or addicted to your products), it should be opposed as the government's job is not to render aid. Let private orgs do that. Government is just there to use the big stick.
Second, the rejection of soft power, which USAID was design to build. Allies don't exist, every nation is out to get the other, and the only form of coercion is through threats. There is no such thing as a positive-sum game geopolitically, somebody always has to lose.
Finally, it's follow the leader. Most people trust Trump more than they trust themselves. If Trump started trash talking the military, then most of his supporters would reason he's found a fire. If he doesn't disclose why he's railing against or defending whatever, they'll make their own reason. Trump is logical and just, ergo his actions must be logical and just. If he ever does trip up, it's due to deception/backstabbing. About the only time his followers ever broke with him was the pro-vax stuff, which caused Trump to back off.
>>1384641 >Allies don't exist, every nation is out to get the other, and the only form of coercion is through threats. This is retarded and ignores how we literally had the largest open border alliance in the world with Canada until Trump started fucking threatening them.
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>>1384608 >Who is they? Who are these indispensable people who no one can identify? The NSSA workers that they fired and now want back. Do you dare imply that the based administration is wrong, and that they don't want them back?
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>>1384647 >This is retarded and ignores how we literally had the largest open border alliance in the world with Canada until Trump started fucking threatening them. And Mexico
>>1384190 Why wouldn't you fire the FBI? They're a rogue agency that no one voted for.
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>>1385016 Why shouldn't Musk be fired? That thing's a rogue agent that no one voted for.