President Trump on Wednesday threatened lawsuits against authors who use anonymous sources in books about him or his allies, calling them defamatory and dishonest.
Trump also teased that a new law could be created to protect against anonymous sourcing in books, while arguing the first month of his second term has been historically successful.
“As a President who is being given credit for having the Best Opening Month of any President in history, quite naturally, here come the Fake books and stories with the so-called ‘anonymous,’ or ‘off the record,’ quotes,” he wrote on Truth Social.
“At some point I am going to sue some of these dishonest authors and book publishers, or even media in general, to find out whether or not these ‘anonymous sources’ even exist, which they largely do not,” he added.
Trump said consequences have to be paid for dishonesty, tying that with using anonymous sourcing.
“They are made up, defamatory fiction, and a big price should be paid for this blatant dishonesty. I’ll do it as a service to our Country. Who knows, maybe we will create some NICE NEW LAW!!!” he said.
Trump’s threat comes as he has slammed a new book by author Michael Wolff, calling it “a total FAKE JOB.” The book, “All or Nothing: How Trump Recaptured America,” discusses Trump allies, including lawyer Boris Epshteyn and billionaire Elon Musk, according to a New York Times review published Friday.
>>1387660 It must be a shock to realize that a large number of people who don't browse /pol/ voted for Trump. But I guess that means more than half of the country are nazis then?
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>>1387663 >I voted for him 3 times, right?
>>1387646 >The left doesn't have anymore energy They tried to kill him three times retard.
>>1387654 Does Harry Potter need a fucking disclaimer?
>>1387674 No, because the author isn't purporting it to be factual and using it to slander a living person, you fuckface.
How hard is this for you? Are you legitimately stupid?
>>1387668 Oddly enough, the leftists I argue with all the time are constantly reminding me that the people who tried to kill him were Republicans. Nonetheless, I'm clearly making a comparison to the "resistance" and "protests" we saw in 2016 vs what we see today. I don't recall seeing a cop car being set on fire after Trump won another election, so clearly there's a difference.
The left doesn't have it in them to riot over nothing anymore. They've spent it all being fake outraged during Trump's first term and can't scrape enough antifag rich white kids to "fight the power" now that most of them served a prison term. Oh don't get me wrong, we see protests in Southern California against ICE deporting people, but no gun shots or pipe bombs yet.
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>>1387561 wow look at the far-left trying to pretend freedom of speech is under attack because some lying cunt wants to use nonexistant sources pulled from their arse and pretend they're anonymous real people.
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>>1387677 the news doesn't record it anymore, that's the difference. do you like being a goldfish
>>1387677 >. I don't recall seeing a cop car being set on fire after Trump won another election, so clearly there's a difference. Although they have been shooting up Tesla dealerships and setting fires to cars in Oregon
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>>1387686 Got a source on that?
>in before some lone wolf meth head and not protesting lefties those were the days. my friend, I'd thought they'd never end
those were the days. my friend, I'd thought they'd never end Thu 27 Feb 2025 10:52:02 No. 1387688 Report >>1387677 Many resistance freedom fighters in the 60s and 70s were far left. Weather Underground,SLA, Black Panthers, etc. But then the far right had the big one. KKK, and many lone wolves like the Oklahoma City bombers. Anonymous
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>>1387688 Cool... What the fuck does this have to do with what I posted? Besides nothing?
>>1387640 >ITT Democraps care about stonks. 90s Republicans with fake vaginas, I'll tell ya.
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>>1387691 you're a faggot and also not american. your input is less than useless
>>1387738 >opinion piece by people with no experience in animal farming Anonymous
>>1387742 Yes anon, there is a bird flu epidemic. Trump is the one preventing the CDC, FDA, and NIH from properly responding to it by killing their research grants and blocking them from making public announcements. Hope this helps.
>>1387744 And Biden's the one who killed 100 million birds, raising the cost of eggs before Trump even took office. What a coincidence that dems couldn't wait a week before blaming him for that one.
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>>1387744 >>1387745 Both of those old faggots are shit presidents and neither of them will or did do anything to help the country
>>1387745 Is this why Demojerks are so laser focused on eggs?
They knew this would happen so they're pushing "Muh egg prices!!!" hard.
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>>1387754 Pretty much. It's the only thing they can go after Trump for and have any kind of a toehold in an argument. It's not like they can come at him with illegal immigration - although they sure as hell try here on /news/ even though you have to be a complete retard to pretend that Trump's border stance isn't stronger than Biden/Kamala.
Someone explain to me why it would be bad if Trump became a king or dictator? Congress and the courts have clearly failed. Our system just does not work. Trump is the only one doing anything. Trump is the only one working, but these cancers hold him back. Why wouldn't it be good to just organize all power to Trump?
>>1387756 They can't. They're NPCs who haven't shaken off the leftist brainwashing from the cathedral (schools). They'll say that democracy gud because it is the only form of government they know, that it is just the way things are/should be. Even cuckservatives believed it in their heads they are defending democracy as they consolidated power into the presidency during the War on Terror. Democracy is breaking down across the world because it is incapable of keeping pace with today's rapidly changing world. You need a responsive, fast acting government, which means optimizing and minimizing leadership. You need fewer hands on the steering wheel (ie dictatorship or aristocracy). This is why autocratic private interests, such as corporations, have flourished while liberal democratic governments have withered. Philosophers like Nick Land and Mencius Moldbug write extensively about this. I would recommend people give them a read. They can put this into words far better than I can.
>>1387758 >>1387756 The best part about crowning Trump god-emperor would be the seething it would produce from the left.
>>1387756 >Someone explain to me why it would be bad if Trump became a king or dictator? Trump was friends with Epstein and flew on his plane (called the Lolita express).
Epstein used Little Saint James Island as a sex tourism destination, where he would record his clientele sleeping with children and use it as blackmail. At one point he tried to blackmail Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew with these alleged tapes.
Epstein had Mossad (Israel's version of the CIA) agents guarding him. Epstein's father was also a mossad agent, and frequently bragged he had connections to Mossad.
If Trump becomes king, the USA would have a royal bloodline that would be completely beholden to Israel.
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>>1387760 >Epstein had Mossad (Israel's version of the CIA) agents guarding him. And how did that work out?
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>>1387676 Are you retarded? You know bad things are said about the president every day no matter which party right? Why is your cult leader so thin skinned he has to sue book authors for saying something mean?
>>1387781 They let him do whatever he wanted until he tried to squeal, then he magically died in a maximum security prison under constant surveillance.
Senators interviewing Federal Bureau of Prisons Director Kathleen Sawyer makes a lot more sense when you realize that she, like they, are on the take of Israel.
>>1387833 >They let him do whatever he wanted until he tried to squeal, Not even close to being true.
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>>1387561 BULLSHIT.
You are free to say or publish anything you want, as long as it doesn't insult President Krasnov ... (signal lost)
>>1387836 >On June 30, 2008, after Epstein pleaded guilty to a state charge of procuring for prostitution a girl below age 18,[119] he was sentenced to eighteen months in prison. While most convicted sex offenders in Florida are sent to state prison, Epstein was instead housed in a private wing of the Palm Beach County Stockade and, according to the sheriff's office, was, after 3+1⁄2 months, allowed to leave the jail on "work release" for up to twelve hours a day, six days a week. This contravened the sheriff's own policies requiring a maximum remaining sentence of ten months and making sex offenders ineligible for the privilege. He was allowed to come and go outside of specified release hours. Anonymous
>>1387852 How is that supposed to be letting him do whatever he wants?
>>1388028 How many people have tried to traffic minors and were allowed to leave prison for six days a week, retard?
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>>1388060 More than you think, which is my point.
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>>1387655 Dude there are MILLIONS of illegals in this country. The numbers are not enough.
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>>1388060 How many Democrats are there?
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>>1387601 >>Trump said consequences have to be paid for dishonesty, tying that with using anonymous sourcing. Ah yes, let's trust the man who's dishonest on what dishonesty is
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>>1387650 I present as fact that Trump is a pedophile negligent retard. My evidence? Everything he says and does.
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>>1387756 Because he's Israel's whore. And you're either hasbara of brain rotted Americans that we don't need right now
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>>1387756 He's a fucking idiot conman who has absolutely nothing going for him outside of having a hand up his own asshole feeding the dumbest people on the face of the planet. Shut the fuck up.
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>>1387836 It is 100% true.
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>>1387561 Yeah that's not freedom of speech issues, that's libel
But you know what lol
Who fin cares dude
There are robot humanoid avatars and electric flying cars now and there's Gen AI slop and free publishing on Amazon for a decade now lmao
Who gives a shit about what some illiterate unimaginative lazy SPIC posts online now
we're THIS CLOSE to Terminator-cum-Gattaca and we're arguing pittances lmao
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>>1387639 >bringing Mexico and Canada to heel no countries are supposed to "bring others to heel"... nations have to work side by side and cooperate for mutual advancements