“You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it,” the FDA tweeted last month amid an increase of people getting sick from the medicine.
In a brief video, Rogan told his 13.1 million Instagram followers that he returned home from the road Saturday night — he’s currently on tour and just performed a series of comedy shows in Florida — feeling weary with a headache.
“Just to be cautious, I separated from my family, slept in a different part of the house, and throughout the night I got fevers and sweats. And I knew what was going on,” Rogan said. “So I got up in the morning, got tested — and turns out I got covid.”
Rogan said he was now feeling “great” after “one bad day” on Sunday. After his diagnosis, he said he “immediately threw the kitchen sink” at the virus, and listed a litany of therapeutics and treatments he tried, including ivermectin, a medicine used to kill parasites in animals and humans but best known as a horse dewormer.
>>923693 >This study suggests, 'Acute Toxic Class' method may be used instead of conventional method to study acute toxicity of injectable preparations. Similarly the LD(50) of around 50mg/kg indicated a wide margin of safety (250x) considering therapeutic dose of ivermectin as 200microg/kg. Stop repeating your propaganda you mindless fucking establishment simp. Bootlicking retard. A whole tube of horsepaste has about 6x the recommended dose for a human. You won't likely suffer any additional symptoms from injecting a whole tube.
Also that article about emergency room lines from ivermectin ODs turned out to be yet another completely false propaganda campaign. Shameful that you spread this toxic misinformation with such glee. Subhuman degenerate.
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>>923713 >injecting ingesting
>>923713 Bro I admitted the ER stuff was bullshit. Unfortunately for you, reports from the CDC and poison control doesn't lie.
But go ahead. Steal some horsepaste from the local farm and watch as you shit yourself while it does nothing for you covid. Learn the same lessons your buddies who tried ivermectin and subsequently died from covid anywa learned; it doesn't actually do shit, just like the hydroxychloroquine you same fucks were shilling until it was proven to do nothing.
>>923712 So he's in the ICU now or is he still doing podcasts every other day?
Y'all flipped shit over Hydroxychloroquine initially, even after those over doses all turned out to be fabrications, from the murderous wife to the schitzo trying to prove a point. Now it's one of the most common treatment prescriptions for COVID used.
Idk how you get ahold of that stuff without a prescription but it sounds like a failing of healthcare providers if we look at it from a socialist perspective tbh.
>>923717 >But go ahead. Steal some horsepaste from the local farm I know leftists are incapable of understanding basic economic transactions but I bought mine from a farm supply store 3 months ago and have already taken it. Believe it or not I'm alive and not a horse. How is that possible??!?!
>>923720 >Now it's one of the most common treatment prescriptions for COVID used. What the fuck are you talking about? Studies determined hydroxy was useless almost a year ago, and I haven't seen any mention of it being used anywhere since.
>>923724 >Taking a "Covid cure" without covid God you can't even figure out what your own bullshit is telling you. Not even your own sources says ivermectin does literally anything to prevent covid, only treat it.
>>923726 >Not even your own sources says ivermectin does literally anything to prevent covid More propaganda. Besides the 60+ studies including 5+ RCTs that do show significant promise for early stage and prophylactic treatment, there's even a paper out which determined experimentally that ivermectin is a protease inhibitor.
>https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7996102/ Protease is a family of enzymes that viruses require to reproduce. Oh and guess what: the new, expensive, patentable drug that pfizer is developing against covid? ALSO A PROTEASE INHIBITOR.
Now tell me, who would benefit from shilling against ivermect when a company is developing a drug which works on the same mechanism?
You are being mislead and rather than stopping for two seconds, pushing aside your blind tribalist ORANGE MAN BAD bias and evaluating the situation critically, you go on to blindly repeat the misinformation that you're being fed. Like a perfect useful idiot.
Who knew that midwits could be so dangerous?
>>923728 >Early stage Retard, that still doesn't mean prevention. You don't take cough medicine so you DON'T get a cough.
Even your own study says it still needs clinical trials to determine effectiveness. Stop shilling for Merck and get the damn vaccine. At least that one's free.
>Stop shilling for merck Ivermectin is off patent and does not benefit merck. More propaganda. Nice.
>get the damn vaccine. At least that one's free. Who the fuck do you think is paying for these "free" vaccines, you stupid nigger? Or does it not count since evil huwhite men pay the majority of taxes?
>>923729 >Retard, that still doesn't mean prevention literally what prophylactic means. stop posting you're only making yourself look more retarded
>>923731 >>923732 Oh I'm sorry, it's just I don't see anything about "prophylactic treatment" or any kind of prevention of actually getting the virus as a result of taking Ivermectin in your own fucking source.
>>923734 There are more than 60 sources, most of which do mention prophylactic. You refuse to even acknowledge that they exist because if you realized that media was lying to you about this you'd have to reevaluate your entire worldview.
Imagine being this pathetically fragile.
>>923740 And yet you just so happened to chose one that doesn't. Suurrrrre.
>>923725 Dude, you need out of your bubble.
https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6935a4.htm Doctors love it for COVID, politicians and news outlets are still trying to discredit and not report it.
Is the science still to be believed or do the whims of bureaucrats take priority in individual healthcare cases?
Ah who am I kidding, this is /nus/, we're here to push for the weaponization of healthcare against the pleb.
>>923743 >June 2020 You know it was found to do jack shit by actual clinical studies soon after that, right? Hence why no one even mentions it now.
>>923742 I chose the one that was specifically about mechanism of action, not treatment protocol. You don't even understand how scientific literature works. Stop posting.
>>923744 Yeah, know. There was one bullshit study that the media pounced on for confirmation bias, but left out that they did not follow treatment protocol, and basically gave overdoses to end stage patients on ventilators. That's now how HCQ is purported to work. It is an early stage/prophylactic treatment and the fact that the media used this single study for "debunking" is massively dishonest, as typical. And you sheep swallow it right up.
>>923750 Except it isn't because there are multiple clinical studies confirming it does jack shit. The fact that even your own buddies have stopped shilling it for the most part should tell you that.
Hydroxy is debunked. Multiple clinical trials were performed and it was proven to do nothing for covid.
>>923752 >Except it isn't because there are multiple clinical studies confirming it does jack shit. There are more clinical studies showing that it probably works.
>Hydroxy is debunked Only if you're deliberately cherrypicking - exactly like the media did for you as soon as trump dared to mention HCQ. You clearly don't even read anything not mentioned to you by your propaganda masters.
HCQ still shows promise. Get over it faggot. This was a smear campaign from day one because it made ORANGE MAN look bad. There is no ethical justification for the way that the media attacked HCQ as soon as it was mentioned and all of your opinions have been shaped by this same initial and continued dishonesty.
At least it would be clear to a sane person that no one should be listening to non experts cherry pick studies to support their political goals. But degenerates like you don't care because ORANGE MAN BAD.
You "people" shouldn't be allowed to vote.
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>>923744 As stated here
>>923750 , you couldn't stop doctors from taking care of their patients then, and you apparently can't stop them now. At least until you can control scientific publication as aptly as mainstream media.
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-04-01/trump-touted-drug-lives-on-as-covid-therapy-despite-trial-flops Anonymous
>>923759 These are all recent publications. They do cast doubt on the viability of HCQ.
However, none of this justifies the preemptive dismissal by the media a year ago based on a single obviously flawed paper. That was immensely irresponsible and in a sane world they'd have lost all credibility for masquerading as science reporters to accomplish an a-scientific political smear.
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>>923755 Doctors were literally prevented from prescribing it or face sanctions, leaving only academic studies as the only legal way to test it. A medicine that is FDA approved as a Malaria prophylactic.
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>>923759 >"The rise and fall of HCQ written" in 2020 >2021 narrative control: "WHY WONT THEY STOP TREATING COVID WITH HCQ!?" https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-04-01/trump-touted-drug-lives-on-as-covid-therapy-despite-trial-flops Why would anyone ever believe politicians and bureaucrats should have control over healthcare ever again after this pandemic mishandling? I mean this was some real shark jumping on the fascists end here.
hindu does
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>>923763 >Man, why did the doubt something that ultimately turned out to be fucking useless Anonymous
>>923763 science has been completely politicized in this case just because of "fuck grumpf" idiocy, same with the lab leak theory that was immediately dismissed because "the ebil right" said it first only for scientists later to come and and say..."yeah.. maybe we should have looked closer.. now its probably too late" and basically exposing themselves with that as political activists first and scientists second.
>>924852 >Push baseless theories >People point out they are baseless and have no actual proof of being true >"SCIENCE HAS GONE FULL SJW!" Anonymous
>>924856 oh please the scientist literally said themselves they didnt want to look into the lab leak theroy because trump said it and they didnt want to be aligned with trump. that was literally their justification you child.
>>924857 Source on that bullshit?
>>924858 maybe do your homework first before you reactionary jump to the defense of activists and screaming around like a uninformed faggot?!
https://www.yahoo.com/now/scientist-waited-legitimize-lab-leak-162344951.html "Scientist Says Some Colleagues Were Hesitant to Legitimize Lab-Leak Theory Out of Fear They Would Be ‘Associated with Trump’"
https://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/lab-leak-theory-science-scientists-rcna1191 "The shift reflects how some scientists who previously avoided the topic or were quick to dismiss it are grappling with enduring uncertainties about the virus's origin, free from the politicization that clouded such discussions during the Trump administration."
>>924861 >Single scientist claims others didn't want to do thing Yeah yeah, I'll take one person claiming shit about their fellows with a grain of salt.
>>924856 >>924858 >>924864 https://www.yahoo.com/now/scientist-waited-legitimize-lab-leak-162344951.html "Scientist Says Some Colleagues Were Hesitant to Legitimize Lab-Leak Theory Out of Fear They Would Be ‘Associated with Trump’"
https://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/lab-leak-theory-science-scientists-rcna1191 "The shift reflects how some scientists who previously avoided the topic or were quick to dismiss it are grappling with enduring uncertainties about the virus's origin, free from the politicization that clouded such discussions during the Trump administration."
>>924856 >>924858 >>924870 https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/prevention-cures/559050-harvard-scientist-says-trump-hatred-motivated "At the time, it was scarier to be associated with Trump and to become a tool for racists, so people didn't want to publicly call for an investigation into lab origins."
https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-lab-leak-theory-of-covids-origin-is-not-totally-irrational/ "The Lab-Leak Theory of COVID’s Origin Is Not Totally Irrational
Unfortunately, its strongest proponent was, which tainted its reception"
>>924870 >>924873 Three of these four articles on the statements of the same person. The remaining one points out that people didn't feel the need to take the baseless claims of someone with a history of making them seriously, and even now animal leakage is still far more likely.
You really felt the need to delete the first reply?
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>>924876 >even now animal leakage is still far more likely. Animal leakage in a lab perhaps.
All the theories are "baseless" and unproven including the "wet market theory" which doesn't have a shred of evidence to support it any more than a lab leak or something else does.
>>921916 Anyone know why the people who diagnosed him COVID positive haven't been brought on yet? Or the store/doctor who sold/prescribed him Ivermectin.
I'm sure they would give him a future service discount for the publicity and it would help the community be even more stronk and healthy/fit.
>>925241 Maybe there isn't enough money in ivermectin for businesses to pay him to shill it as a big influencer the way they do with other treatments like the vax
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>>925247 Ratings are ratings. Gotta keep the buz going and helping out the little guy seems to be Rogan's thing.
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>>925247 Charity is a christian virtue. Helping people with honesty is a good thing. Are you saying Rogan's material is entirely bought and paid for?
He's said that he just talks off the cuff. It's gotten him in trouble before. What is your problem with helping out small businesses and healthcare professionals?
He said he was taking an anti-bacterial medicine to fight a virus…yet people want to argue about the semantics of horse medicine. This dude is a funny fool. He is a court jester that some conservatives talk seriously.
>>925268 Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic, not an anti-bacterial, and even if it were, there are in fact drugs that work against more than one kind of infection. Nitazoxanide is an anti-parasitic that works against the herpes virus. Azithromycin is an anti-bacterial that works against rhinoviruses.
The "it works on other things so it can't work on viruses" argument is an argument that is being run by idiots.
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>>922070 You're embarrassing yourself
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>>925295 It's anti-parastic and anti-viral and anti-bacterial (so overdosing on it might fuck up your gut flora).
More westerners should take it occasionally since parasites are way more common even in first world countries than we culturally like to believe.
theonemonoclonalAB monoclonesitself
theonemonoclonalAB monoclonesitself Sat 11 Sep 2021 17:11:45 No. 926850 Report Quoted By:
anti-vaxxer Rogan has much $ so he can afford Mono-clonal AB treatments and others. Poor people like myself need to get the jab, as we won't get any expensive treatments. So Rogan shoulda kept his mouth shut about what treatments he took.
>>922084 Are you actually stupid enough to believe that ivermectin is only given to horses? Joe Rogan was prescribed ivermectin by his doctor, he picked it up at a pharmacy, and it's in pill form. It's an FDA approved human medication. Anyone calling it horse medicine is either a moron or intentionally misleading people.
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>>922140 You aren't qualified to discuss this topic. Many, many drugs have off-label uses. There's an entire field called drug repurposing where drugs that help with one disease are found to help with an entirely unrelated disease. The reason why there's interest in ivermectin in the first place is because a couple of studies suggested it might help.
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>>926859 all modern medicine is finalized/tested/used in animals BEFORE HUMANS
its part of the legal drug development system
if you want to see the next generation boner/cancer/etc pills/shots, look at what upscale vets/farms are using for their expensive top breeder animals
the problem is that people are shit with medication amounts and types, horse brand meds regularly KILL people because of their dosage strength, but because they are animal grade, they are CHEAPER, and easier to get without medical insurance
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>>922529 It's also been observed to have general antiviral and antibacterial effects, as well as effects on ACE2 which is particularly relevant to covid.
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>>923752 Bosses wife was literally prescribed it last week. Same for my uncle who's a senior vp for a fortune 500.
>Inb4 nintendo