>whenever anyone in the US buys a gun from a dealer it goes through the FBI's NICS system>Washington state created a " Secure Automated Firearms E-Check (SAFE) system" for state background checks for some fucking reason even though they had already banned private sales so all sales had to go through NICS no matter what>the "SAFE" system went into affect Jan 1, 2024. they aren't the only state to do this, NJ is also a "point of contact" state. IDK if washington retains data, NJ's makes even less sense because its just old ladies typing the NICS data into NICS for the gun store instead of the gun store doing it and NJ doesn't retain any records so fucking why? >Nov 1, 2024 Washington's courts get hacked>courts operating as normal but hack means "SAFE" system is down>no "SAFE" system no background checks>all gun sales have been banned for the last 2 weekssystem is working as intended
we need to put this same system in place for abortions, buying weed, getting gay married, being a tranny and going to jewish church
oh apparently they have a 10 day waiting period too. how the fuck did Washington manage to have more retarded gun laws than NJ? NJ doesn't even have waiting periods. Its just normal NICS with the exception that federally if NICS doesn't give a decision in 3 days you get your gun, but in NJ you wait until NICS gives back results.