Hi, this post is about a corrupt chairmen in the quapaw tribe embezzlement case who has yet to be put behind bars because nobody will pick this case back up. Specifically John L Berry. The most Corrupt Quapaw, followed up by Wena Supernaw who while I can't say outright is doing bad things fully supported Barry while he was doing these things.
https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2021/apr/20/quapaw-ex-official-charged-in-embezzlement-case/Before John L Barry left office he re-opened this Case, trying to make it so that ALL quapaws get the goodeagle money, instead of the land owners who were wronged so that they get millions of dollars in settlement money mostly for Wena Supernaw and Barry but also as a something that all Quapaws should get a piece of the pie. They don't specify how much of the pie is actually going to be given to the citizens and I'm worried they are going to take most of the money for themselves .
https://www.fourstateshomepage.com/news/quapaw-nation-settles-goodeagle-versus-united-states/There is s a current case going on in Court between GoodEagle Vs Quapaw Tribe trying to steal this money away from the land owners whose land was destroyed.
I wish I could link the court case settlements that they are fighting over or really what the Quapaw Tribe is trying to take away from the Quapaw Elders without realizing it, but alot of it I think might be non-disclosure and the reason why I can't find more info about this!
Long Story short Wena Supernaw I believe is working with John L Barry and is a corrupt Quapaw Chairman but I don't have proof! If somebody could look into it please do! and help out!