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Wholesale Rejection of Democrats is Rising; Can Voter Fraud Outpace It?

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Trump beats Biden among YOUNG voters in new NBC poll - just three years after Dem president held 26 point lead over MAGA rival ahead of the 2020 election

Donald Trump is beating Joe Biden with voters under the age of 35, another disastrous poll for the president shows.

The new survey, conducted by NBC News, shows Trump leading Biden by two points - 46 to 44 percent - overall.

It is the latest in a series that have shown Trump pulling into the lead. He leads Biden among every age group except for senior citizens, who favor the current president.

Biden had a four point lead in the same survey when it was conducted in July, while the pair were in a dead hit when NBC polled voters in September.

But it is among voters ages 18 to 34 that are the biggest shock in this survey, as Trump leads Biden with that demographic 46 to 42.

Biden won younger voters by about 26 points in 2020 over Trump, according to the New York Post.

Part of the problem may be Biden's handling of the Israel-Hamas war - which has seen young people take increasingly radical anti-Israel stances - where 70 percent of 18-34 year olds disapprove of Biden's stance on the issue, versus 20 percent approval.

Similar to the overall results, voters over 65 are the only group to majority approve Biden's handling of the conflict.

Biden still leads Trump among black voters, women and whites with college degree, while Trump holds an advantage among white voters, men and rural voters.

The survey - conducted between November 10 and November 14 - contained more good news for Trump, as he maintains a firm grip on the Republican Primary.

Trump leads the Republican Primary - which is set to start with the Iowa Caucus in just eight weeks on January 15 - with a whopping 58 percent of the vote. He's also 13 percent of voters' second choice.