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150 yards with irons isn't even that hard of a shot

No.1315438 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
First off, everyone has ARs because they are cheap. they shoot the cheapest rifle ammo, .223 and they are in general cheaper than any rifle other than very basic bitch hunting bolt action rifles. The shooter used irons allegedly. I've used irons in NRA high power. the aiming point of the target at 200 is about the size of a human torso (19 inch circle, acog bdc is based on 19 inches at certain distances). IMO the biggest issue would be if the gun wasn't zeroed or if he was trying to aim for the head or something weird. I do a 6 o'clock hold on my target rifles which only really works if I know the size of the thing I am shooting. aiming for the head with irons would suck because no magnification, head small and irons take up a lot of your field of view.
oh and the shooter was confirmed jewish.