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Jewish USA TODAY writer is retarded

No.1316337 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Weapons experts worldwide have suggested since Saturday that the AR used Saturday was a poor choice for effective long-range shooting. The shooter was perched on a rooftop approximately 150 yards away from the podium where Trump was speaking.
top fucking kek. the most common rifle shooting competition in the US is NRA/CMP high power where you shoot at 200, 300 and 600 yards and the most common rifle used for NRA/CMP high power is an AR. I don't get how anti gun retards can both say an AR is a deadly weapon of war that no on should be allowed to own ever and that someone can't hit the broad side of a barn with one at 150 yards
>McCardle said. “Snipers, however, don’t tend to aim for the head because it’s a relatively small target that bobs around a lot. They shoot toward the center of mass as that is where most of our vital organs are located.”
this is correct at least.