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Actual Voter Fraud discovered. Surprise, its Republicunts

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Whenever Republicans baselessly claim Democrats are doing something, you can be sure they're doing it themselves.

A Queens grand jury indicted six defendants for voter fraud related to the 2023 City Council primary in District 20 in northeast Queens.

The six individuals are variously charged in a 161-count indictment with submitting fraudulent absentee ballot applications while volunteering for the campaign of Yu-Ching James Pai, who was a candidate in the June 2023 GOP primary election for City Council. Five of the six defendants surrendered Thursday at the office of Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz and were arraigned hours later.

Defendants include the candidate’s daughter, Sydnee Pai, 19; Li Zhen Wan, 46; Yee Ping Yam, 53; Lisbeth Cheg, 24; and Crystal You were arraigned before Queens Supreme Court Justice Leigh K. Cheng on charges of criminal possession of a forged instrument, falsifying business records, illegal voting and other crimes in an alleged scheme to submit falsified absentee ballot applications for the Pai campaign.

Pai edged candidate Dany Chen by just 181 votes in the GOP primary in June before losing to Council Member Sandra Ung in last November’s general election.

“Our democracy relies on integrity at the voting booth,” Katz said. “And we will not allow that to be compromised in Queens County.”

According to the charges, between approximately March 1, 2023, and June 27, 2023, while the defendants were volunteers for Pai’s campaign, they visited the city Board of Elections office in Forest Hills to pick up ballots for voters who purportedly wanted to cast absentee ballots in the GOP primary election of June 2023. The defendants were listed as the person authorized to pick up the ballots and they later returned to do so.