>>1325989Firstly, these top generals" had been advising staying for over 20 years. Every time someone asked if the war can end it was always, "we just need 6 more months and everything will be alright", ad inffinitum. It was just excuse after excuse after excuse to keep people in jobs, and to rationalise and legitimise their own stupidity, ineptitude and incompetence so that the war would never end.
Secondly, Those Afghans who were willing to betray their country and side with an invading foreign force that didn't give 2 shits about Afghanistan or how many people were murdered there deserve to be executed by the taliban. You can't be a cunt and seek your own enrichment when no one can stop you then cry for help when the consequences of your actions come back to bite you in the ass.
Can you imagine if a middle Eastern army invaded a western European country, and the natives sided with them? Then started begging for help when they left?
>>bu bu but I thought you'd save meeeeeee, I thought America cared about meeeeeee. Yeah, eat lead faggot. You deserve everything you get. Biden was the only guy with the balls to say, "no bullshit, no nonsense. If you can't handle it by now youre never going to. Just get everyone out now, not later, not tomoorw, fucking NOW."
and if that means leaving the place to descend into absolute chaos, so be it. No more pointless American deaths and wasted tax payer money"