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3 American facing death penatly in Congo over failed coup

No.1345373 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This story is fucking insane.
>Be Christian Malanga, Congolese boy
>Your family leaves Congo on political asylum and you end up in Utah at age 15.
>Join the Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps
>Get a white girl, get a son with her named "Marcel"
>Create small businesses in Utah and create a diaspora Congolese party named "United Congolese Party". Become somewhat successful and wealthy
>Go back to Congo in 2006 and serve in the military, become captain
>From 2011 onwards, try to run for president of Congo multiple times and fail
>Fast forward to 2023, his son Marcel is still in Utah.
>Marcel has a best friend, some white boy named "Tyler Thompson" he grew up playing football with
>Marcel and Tyler tell people in Utah they are going on an holiday to South Africa.
>Christian Malanga is offering to pay for the flight
>"Tyler, who had been learning how to pilot drones in his spare time, would help Christian map gold mines that he ran in southern Africa. Tyler thought it would look good on his CV"
>Tyler's mom thinks this is an internship opportunity and allows her son to go to South Africa
>Tyler is indeed in South Africa and sends pictures of himself "visiting Nelson Mandela’s house, drinking at a Johannesburg brewery and eating macaroni cheese"
>A few months pass
>Someone knows at Tyler's mom's door, and shows her a picture on her phone
>She sees Tyler and Marcel on TV beaten the fuck up and tied up.
>Tyler and Marcel were not in South Africa, they were in Congo, armed with guns trying to attempt a coup
>Christian Malanga livestreamed the coup on Facebook, and he screamed "Felix! We are coming to get you ni***r! It's over!" with a bunch of armed militaries. (Felix is the current Congolese president)
>Christian gets shot in the face and dies.
>Marcel and Tyler get caught
>The coup is an utter failure
>Marcel and Tyler are facing the death penalty in Congo.
>Tyler's mom is hopeless