The committee found that:
COVID likely had a lab origin and fauci sponsored papers in an attempt to obfuscate this fact.
EcoHealth Alliance performed gain of function research on SARS in Wuhan and lied the the NIH about the nature of their research. The DOJ has empaneled a criminal Grand Jury against them.
Lockdowns did more harm than good. Mask and distancing mandates were not rooted in science.
COVID relief programs had almost no oversight and were frequently defrauded.
On the plus side, private-public partnerships greatly enabled widespread covid 19 testing nationwide. House COVID-19 panel releases final report: 3 key takeaways
The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released its final report Monday, laying out numerous conclusions from its review of the federal pandemic response, including what the Republican-controlled panel believes to be the likely origins of the virus.
The 520-page document encompassed a wide range of issues relating to the pandemic, including vaccinations, public health guidance, state-level actions and use of relief funds.
“Since February 2023, the Select Subcommittee sought to produce a full after-action report to provide a road map of how we, in Congress, the Executive, and the private sector may better prepare for and respond to future pandemics,” subcommittee Chair Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) wrote in a letter.
“Throughout this process, the Select Subcommittee sent more than 100 investigative letters, conducted 38 transcribed interviews or depositions, held 25 hearings or meetings, and reviewed more than one million pages of documents from of custodians,” he noted
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The subcommittee’s hearings were often marked by contentious back-and-forth between members and witnesses. Several interviews were held behind closed doors, including two days of interviews with Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, earlier this year. Wenstrup listed seven specific findings in his letter, including that the National Institutes of Health funded controversial gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, that Operation Warp Speed was “tremendous success” and that public school closures will have an “enduring impact” on American children. Here are three takeaways from the report Lab leak theory The report starts with the finding that the SARS-CoV-2 virus “likely emerged because of a laboratory or research related accident.” This finding was supported by remarks from people such as Robert Redfield, the former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe and former U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, all of whom publicly stated their support for the lab leak theory. “Based on my initial analysis of the data, I came to believe — and still believe today — that it indicates COVID-19 infections more likely were the result of an accidental lab leak than the result of a natural spillover event,” Redfield is quoted as saying. The report also found Fauci “prompted” the 2020 study titled “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2,” which supported the natural origins theory, to “disprove” the lab leak theory
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When he testified before the committee in June, Fauci reiterated that he did not edit the study or help to “suppress” the lab leak theory. Different federal agencies have drawn different conclusions about the most likely origin of the virus, but it remains a mystery. Mitigation efforts The report is critical of many of the mitigation measures that were employed early on in the pandemic. It found masks and mask mandates were “ineffective at controlling the spread of COVID-19.” Several studies, including one published this August, have found masking in public has an effect on lowering respiratory viral transmission, though this should not be the sole measure used to mitigate spread. Further, the report concluded lockdowns caused “more harm than good” to the economy, overall health of Americans and development of children. The 6-foot social distancing guidance was also blasted as not being “supported by science.” “Even though it was CDC guidance and not a mandate, it was forcefully implemented by state and local governments and caused lots of strife amongst Americans,” the report states.
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However, there were some measures that the subcommittee found to have had some benefit or merit. The public-private partnerships that were made to enable widespread COVID-19 testing early on in the pandemic allowed for “readily available and accurate tests,” though COVID-19 testing was called “flawed” in the report. Travel restrictions were also cited as having saved lives. “With four years of hindsight, it is clear the international travel restrictions early in the pandemic delayed spread of the virus but did not prevent COVID-19 from entering the U.S.,” the report states. EcoHealth probes The subcommittee’s report paid particular attention to the actions of EcoHealth Alliance, the nongovernmental organization that subawarded NIH grants to global labs including the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Echoing criticism from members of the subcommittee, the report found EcoHealth failed to carry out proper oversight of the experiments it provided funding for, facilitated gain-of-function research and misled the NIH on the details of its research projects. The NIH in turn was found to have failed in its oversight of EcoHealth. The report found the Justice Department (DOJ) had empaneled a criminal grand jury to investigate the origins of COVID-19.
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“EcoHealth was subject to numerous federal investigations regarding both its potential role in the COVID-19 pandemic, but also multiple accusations surrounding violated federal grant policies. The outcomes of most of these investigations are public,” it states. “However, the Select Subcommittee discovered that DOJ was also investigating the origins of COVID-19,” it continued. “The specific details of the investigation are unknown but, based on documents, it appears the DOJ’s investigation involves EcoHealth’s role in the COVID-19 pandemic.” The report says the results of the DOJ investigation are not public as of “December 4, 2024,” when the subcommittee plans to mark up the report.
>right wing grifters lie more yawn
>>1365931 Typical lefty. There is blood on your hands and you will answer for it, in the here or hereafter.
>>1365933 you're literally a shill
>>1365935 >>1365931 It's ok anon. It's understandable you are angry. You've been lied to for years and you are having issues coming to grips with reality.
Harris supporter
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>>1365926 Literally me on the right
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>>1365936 >>1365937 why so defensive, samefag?
The virus is all made up bullshit and media hype. Bitch from Minnesota that believed in fake media hype shit can suck my dick. Fuck Minnesota, fuck the Democrats and fuck the media! I'm not a MAGA fool, but I'll believe in that fake China virus shit when I see it. That bullshit was no deadlier than real influenza and fentanyl is the real terror of death that's killing thousands of people.
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He's having a schizophrenic episode again Anonymous
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>>1365943 minnesota? are you cold or something
DOH, i have an opinion, so listen
>>1365926 Just talk about the lab leak, shill. And leave your midwit opinions out of it. No one cares what Facebook mom's think.
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>>1365943 Covid is worse than the fentanyl epidemic, because fentanyl is killing off all the democrats
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I live in Mexico and have never seen anyone die from a made in China virus. All media hype and old political bullshit by Democrat motherfuckers.
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Check it again webhead! Fentanyl is killing lots of people in Canada too. People in Vancouver will die a week later. The virus is fake ass shit.
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>fauci Let's hope Trump gives him a second chance
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>>1365931 Wow! Look at you just hanging in there.
Good for you :)
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>>1365926 Hey look the evil right was right again and the braindead useful idiot moron democrats who swallow democrat produced lies almost as much as they swallowe nigger semen got it wrong again.
Oh how sooo very shocking and surprising.
Democrat voters are this generations useful idiots muh russia and this proves it beyond a shadow of doubt.
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>>1365946 I get my info from Jimmy Dore, tranny boi
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Woah it's almost like all of those conspiracy theories weren't conspiracy theories after all, and /pol/ was right again.
>>1365926 >Literally just the subcommittee's personal takes without any actual research or evidence Oh wow, another fucking nothing burger where republicans are like "uh, actually, we were right about everything" and then never actually address any data.
FFS, they literally cite Boris Johnson as support for their statement that covid was probably a lab leak, instead of, you know, any actual scientific findings. They praise Trump for speeding up development of the vaccine but criticize Biden for speeding up actually using it.
They literally knew what they were going to say in this report before they held any meetings. It's just more partisan bullshit where Republicans regurgitate their own beliefs into an official report and then use it to claim legitimacy.
>>1365989 We have access to Fauci's emails anon. We know he was publicly claiming one thing and saying the complete opposite behind closed doors.
Remember the 'five feet distancing' rule? All made up. CDC wanted 10 feet, Washington wouldn't let them have it, so they compromised at 5 ft.
>>1365991 Fauci's emails only showed that he changed his mind in real time when presented with actual data. You guys have literally spent the last four years harassing this guy because he told you to wear a mask. And guess what? Actual data wound up supporting that. Even this report couldn't cover that up and had to be like "Well, it wasn't THAT good. Just helped a little I guess, but not that much!"
Meanwhile if the issue is that the CDC got overridden by washington and had to resort to a compromise, that's more on washington. But of course the repubs won't admit that and instead blame the CDC for going for 6 feet instead of the government for telling them not to promote 10 when that was actually the most effective distance, because again; all the conclusions made by this were determined before they held a single hearing.
>>1365989 >yes i am mentally retarded and low iq and think the virus came from a bet fucking a duck and not from the corona bioweapons lab at the exact location it broke out You are the prove that democrat voters should no longer be allowed to vote.
Because you are not human beings.. you are just a brainless thing to use by smarter people, you have no self agency, no mind, no self respect, no consciousness, no self awareness.
You dont exist in the same world like actual human beings do, you are not human not even a living thing or a animal, you are just a thing that exists to be manipulated and used, a tool for smarter actual conscious human beings to be used for their benefit and then discarded.
The fact that you think your programmed "opinion" is worth hearing when listening to you is literally just the same thing as switching on msnbc is beyond wild.
You dont even exists to actual conscious beings you are just a roomba to us.
>>1365933 >1.30 million antivaxxtards dead In Soviet America, rightards will answer for themselves
why that voted for that which said 'I Got the Pfizer' and engaged Operation Warp Speed Anonymous
>>1365992 >You guys have literally spent the last four years harassing this guy because he told you to wear a mask No.
It was because he lied about the necessity of masks, lockdowns and experimental medical treatments.
I know people who have died because of the vaccine. Fauci deserves to be in jail. But he will never be, because morons like you think he is worthy of praise and rush to defend him.
>Meanwhile if the issue is that the CDC got overridden by washington and had to resort to a compromise The people who were "trusting the experts" were literally Washington.
The old CDC director literally told us that the vaccine would stop transmission. That wasn't true. It was a lie.
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>>1365994 Anon every analysis of the actual virus couldn't find any conclusive links to it being man-made. And if your argument is "BUT IT BROKE OUT NEAR A RESEARCH LAB", yeah no shit the lab dedicated to studying the emergence of new coronaviruses is going to set up shop near animal populations where coronaviruses emerge. We know COVID started in that market, just not whether a human or animal brought it there.
This report meanwhile, cites literally nothing beyond "these people said it was probably lab leak", with one of those people being fucking Boris Johnson. It has no actual data or research supporting it.
Also stop larping like a fucking video game villain. It's cringe.
>>1365997 >I know people who have died because of the vaccine Sure you do anon, sure you do.
>The old CDC director literally told us that the vaccine would stop transmission. That wasn't true. It was a lie. She misspoke during an interview and the actual guidelines never changed. you have a massively reduced chance of spread once vaccinated, just not 0.
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>>1366003 >She misspoke during an interview No, that was the main talking point of the CDC for actual years.
It was so bad that any argument to the contrary was censored for disinformation.
Bootlickers never stopped to consider what "Novel" meant in relation to COVID19.
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>>1365926 >including what the Republican-controlled panel believes to be the likely origins of the virus. So the entire thing is complete nonsense
>>1365926 >COVID likely had a lab origin And that lab likely was located on the east coast of the united states.
It was working on weaponising covids. It got shut down for breach of policy and procedure that could result in release. It wasn't just shut down, it was obliterated. A prominent figure in this then moved his research to wuhan.
Shortly after a spate of 'unusual' deaths with a commonality of 'popcorn lung' ramped across the US - at the time blame was attributed to dodgey vape fluids. Following genetic lineage of covids it is possible to prove it was in the global ecosystem a long time before someone in china noticed there's a new player in the game. Provably hopping US europe US europe (sewerage sample, september, italy) well before november.
Regarding it's presence in an animal market. People gave it to the animals.
>It found masks and mask mandates were “ineffective at controlling the spread of COVID-19.” Were the masks ineffective? Or was it most fucknuckles tried to circumvent it? I think it's pretty easy to prove it wasn't starved of hosts and eliminated from the ecosystem due to human stupidity anyhay.
>Further, the report concluded lockdowns caused “more harm than good” to the economy, overall health of Americans and development of children. Not just murricans. There are other people. However, this isn't a fault of the "lockdowns" as much as the fault of human stupidity and the way people just had to keep sharing air ensuring each new mutation has a steady supply of hosts. If this had been done properly - instead of half assed with every third(or more) person actively trying to subvert - 'cause freedumb, then just maybe it could of been productive. And it would of been done with in less than a month, with a good testing regime the infected could of been determined and then everyone else would of been free to go about, before the end of the month.
>>1366016 >That didn't happen. >And if it did, it wasn't that bad. >And if it was, that's not a big deal. >And if it is, that's not my fault. >And if it was, I didn't mean it. >And if I did, You deserved it. You wont gaslight your way out of this.
We were told two weeks. It became years. Prolonged periods of isolation are bad for people's mental health.
The "vaccine" is not. They changed the definition of vaccine just for the clot shot. The stroke poke witch prevents neither infection nor transmission, damages the heart and has God only knows what other long term side effects. And people were threatened with loss of job, being locked up in their homes even longer for not taking this useless injection.
The death count is exaggerated. People who died WITH covid were tossed into the same pile as people who died OF covid. The disease with a 99% survival rate. It was a threat to the elderly, the morbidly obese, the people lung issues.
We were there. We watched this all happen. You will not gaslight us.
>>1366020 Where's the 'gaslighting'? Point out where what I said didn't happen, did - or what I said did, didn't.
You might of been told two weeks, but realistically a week for detection, two weeks to clear, and another week as buffer -=- gone in a month.
This became years (and is still a problem, tho mutating to lesser fatality) precisely because new hosts were continually being handed to the virus, allowing it to continue mutating and spreading. Also, prevention of spread when dealing with an unknown entity is a sane policy. Congratulations on proving that should something serious entery the ecosystem, you'll be making sure it gets a nice foothold.
You may - or as evidence suggests, may not - of noticed I didn't say shit about a vaccine. Only an absolute fool would consider this "solvable" by such a method. If it was, natural immune response would of wiped out the common cold tens of thousands of years ago.
Again. You may - or as evidence suggests may not - of noticed a lack of commentary on the death count. I agree fully that dying with covids isn't dying of covids. Very few died *of* covids, but there was a lot of deaths where covids was more than contributory. In the earlier phases, the survival rate was a lot lower than 99%. It's 99% now because all the suitable targets have been eliminated.
Where is the gaslighting. Point it out so I can mock you harder.
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>>1365926 That's nice. Let me know when they start arresting the perpetrators.
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>>1365995 >that voted for that which said Sup bilal. They're still paying you?
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>>1366019 You are really horrible at detecting lies.
>>1365926 Trump took the vax, took the boosters, and refuses to comment on any harm that they may or may not have caused. He also said he is to thank for the vax being made, and that it saved a hundred million people worldwide. Why don't you people just trust and believe in your supreme leader?
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>>1366020 Just what I thought. Impotent faggotry all the way to the bank.
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Reminder that everybody who supported COVID mandates deserves to be shot or have the shit beaten out of them. Or at the very least, have them be persecuted and harassed in the same way they persecuted and harassed people who called out the bullshit for what it was.
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>>1366061 Because we're not retarded leftists.
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>>1366020 Dems are truly inhuman and deserve the worst treatment. I hope once Trump gets into office that Dems get treated the exact same way they've treated others their entire lives.
>>1366061 Yes and when he was booed by supporters, Trump realized he was wrong. Something that Dems are mentally incapable of doing.
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>>1366109 >Has access to literally every level of scientific research on the subject >Has opinion decided by public opinion You've literally just shown Trump is spineless and automatically goes with whatever opinion will get him votes, regardless of it's place in reality or even his own opinion on it.
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>>1366109 >Trump realized he was wrong. How do you know? I don't recall him ever saying that he was wrong, or publicly supporting theories about the vaccine being harmful.
The gaslighting is here:
>>1366016 And here:
>>1366025 Keep it up, killer.
>>1366178 You've listed two sets of provable fact.
Try again. This time, try looking for gaslighting (that's the act of saying something isn't happening when it is, or is happening when it isn't.)
Cite specific examples you can prove untrue.
>>1366179 >Cite specific examples you can prove untrue It's up to you to prove your conspiracy theories are true not just connect some random dots and act like it's evidence.
I think covid was started by a beached whale in North Carolina, because the first case of confirmed covid coincided with the time the whale was discovered beached.
Cite specific examples you can prove untrue
>>1366183 >It's up to you to prove your conspiracy theories are true not just connect some random dots and act like it's evidence. Okay. Look at VAERS statistics and how they coincide with the release of the COVID19 vaccines.
>>1366190 What do the vaccines have to do about when it broke out?
It's like you can't even follow a conversation
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>>1366191 Conspiracy theories. Plural. More than one.
The adverse reactions of vaccines fall under that wide umbrella.
If you don't want to discuss the issue, that's fine.
>>1366190 VAERS is an inherently untrustworthy source. Everything reported to it is subjective. Of fucking course reports will increase when people get vaccinated; they immediately start blaming the vaccine for any problem they have. That doesn't mean it actually CAUSED it.
>>1366183 Okay then: You'll accept that happened? Note the date. Just after the spate of deaths across the US(later, summerised: ), just before the first detection o covids in wuhan. X-ray pictures of lung damage looks remarkably close to that of bronchiolitis obliterans caused by covids. I'll accept that's not proof of and within itself but the timing is suspect. Besides, "leagues at the University of Arizona and Illumina, Inc., estimate that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was likely circulating undetected for at most two months before the first human cases of COVID-19 were described in Wuhan, China in late-December 2019." ( )
Disagree with any of that? That is was circulating months before first detection in wuhan, and months prior a weapons lab playing with it was shut down for breach of policy and procedure. Breaches that would of allowed a respitory virus to escape.
Do I really need to show you the plethora of science that supports masking? Or do you think surgeons put 'em on for shits n giggles? We can take this a fact on face value? Do you contest the sheer number of knuckledicks that thought it was funny to circumvent this is in every way they can imagine, because freedumb? (lets just ignore how covering your face isn't what the .gov wants)
And finally, lockdowns. Do I need to prove to you that something that cannot move distance on it's own requires people to move it? What about the provable stupidity that occured like "covid parties"? You'll accept they happened? What about the general trend to circumvent isolation? You denying that happened?
>>1366203 >VAERS is an inherently untrustworthy source. Everything reported to it is subjective. I love bringing up VAERS because you bootlicking faggots are quick to debooonk it without actually knowing what you're talking about.
VAERS is a United States program used to report adverse reactions and conduct studies on vaccine safety.
All doctors are required by federal law to report adverse reactions to vaccines. Individuals can submit reports too, but that requires an identifying source of information to go along with it, which VAERS follows-up on at a later point in time.
Here's the kicker: VAERS makes you sign an affidavit before submitting a report. So if you are stupid enough to lie, or stupid enough to misreport something, that is like lying before the IRS. You are committing perjury and are liable to be stuck in 'fuck me in the ass' prison.
VAERS is not like a fast food restaurant. Don't be retarded.
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>>1366191 Not me
The second post you've listed as 'gaslighting' ...
You require proof the virus will die in a few weeks thanks to immune response? Or can we accept that as a given? Do you challenge my assertion that it lasted longer due to being supplied with fresh hosts constantly? So a week on either side o that gets it gone in a month.
Anything else in that post you need explaining to you like a child with downs?
>>1366206 >Do I really need to show you the plethora of science that supports masking? Or do you think surgeons put 'em on for shits n giggles? Masks don't stop you from contracting COVID. They don't form a perfect seal around your face like respirators do.
The purpose of face masks in medical environments is to prevent the spread of transmissible diseases through droplets, like through a sneeze or through blood exposure. COVID is airborne.
>>1366210 I didn't say they stopped it. They inhibit. Even an imperfect seal will stop some particulates, and the less of them the more chance your immune has to prevent it getting a foothold. Ten particle per breath will get clobbered. 10 million will infect.
Sugeons don't wear masks to protect them, they wear to protect the patient. From what they breath out. Their masks don't "seal" either. They continue the practice because it makes a difference. It disrupts airflow reducing distance travelled and gravity tends to do the rest as the aerosol is heavier than air. Same story with covids. The mask wasn't about protecting you, as much as stopping you moving it, protecting others...
A mask each side is even more effective. Your car has seatbelts, there's also an airbag. You layer imperfect mitigations to achieve a better result.
If that's all your ammo you might as well put your head down the toilet n flush it now. You're not equipped.
>>1366211 >Even an imperfect seal will stop some particulates It won't stop transmission of the virus, though. So why would we wear masks at all?
This is why all of the "science" is fake and gay. Shit like masks aren't a necessity.
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>>1366207 Unquestionable. No doubt federal employees are following up on millions of bogus submissions by anon.
>>1366222 Tell that to surgeons.
It won't stop it. It will slow it. All you need to do is slow it enough for the immune system to operate as intended.
Seatbelts don't prevent fatalities - they do reduce them tho. That mean they should be removed from cars because they "aren't a necessity"?
Science - at it's core - is the quest for truth. Proven, reproducable results. There's plenty of poor quality studies that will fudge numbers to peddle a predisposed narrative - but that's not science, they won't have reproducable results. Scientific methodology gets results first and draws conclusions after. Then these conclusions are independantly tested for reproducability. It officially defines as "Science is a systematic discipline that builds and organises knowledge in the form of testable hypotheses and predictions about the universe. "
What about that echoes "fake" in your mind?
>You stupid chud msnbc told me it came from a bat fucking a duck and not from the corona bioweapons research lab located at the exact location of the outbreak Some people are just soo retarded they will literally double down on being retards no matter what especially when proven wrong to their retard faces. Considering this FACT there literally can not exist a dumber person than a democrat voter. Prove me wrong, you literally cant.
>>1366234 You want proof?
Try looking in the mirror.
My evidence? the content of your post.
And no, I'm not a 'democrat'.
>>1366235 >And no, I'm not a 'democrat'. I am and I lie about shit to suck cocks, be retarded and wear a fucking dress because the voices in my head tell me I'm a super pretty little slut.
Literally everything I say is a lie.
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>>1366249 >Literally everything I say is a lie. That actually sounds factual, tho. Seems to check out, at a casual glance. Which then raises a paradox...
>>1366231 >It won't stop it. Then the claim that it would prevent the spread of COVID19 was a lie.
>>1366254 It's not a magical silver f'kin bullet. It's a mask. In what way is a filter not appropriate for preventing spread of a respitory infection?
Even a bioweapons grade mask wouldn't stop it *all*. Just *enough*.
Seatbelts don't prevent fatalities or injuries - they just reduce them. That mean you should start ripping seat belts outta cars?
f'kin retards...
>>1366235 i said you should try and prove me wrong... not instantly prove me right with my assertion that there can not exist a dumber person than a democrat voter... which you proved right.
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>>1366271 You proved you wrong. With that post, and your last.
I'm just generally assuming from tone you don't self-define democrat.
>>1366262 >It's not a magical silver f'kin bullet. It's a mask That's what everyone has been telling you. But you keep trying to compare a covering worn in a surgical theater to keep moisture droplets from moving from one persons mouth to another persons insides to a piece of cloth worn 24/7 in a futile effort to prevent air molecules from entering and exiting peoples lungs.
And to seatbelts...for some reason.
>>1366307 It's a layer of mitigation. You layer imperfect mitigations when absent a perfect mitigation to achieve a greater result. It's not a difficult concept, tho you do seem to be continually struggling with it.
When I say "mask" I do mean something more substantial than a lump of cloth. However, a lump of cloth is better than no cloth. It again filters on the way in and out - not perfectly - but some being better than none.
The seatbelt comparitor arises because stupidly it was assumed you'd understand how these work. These are also not perfect mitigations. It's called an analogy.
>>1366338 >It's a layer of mitigation Except it's not. Here, let me use an analogy to explain it you: it does not matter how many seatbelts you wrap yourself up in, they aren't going to protect you in the slightest from exposure to hard vacuum.
>>1366341 It *is* a layer of mitigation. You disagree with the amount of protection it provides - fine. That doesn't stop it being a laer of mitigation.
If it truely does little, then explain the results of this experiment:
Two cages full of hamsters, parked next door to each other. One cage has a paper mask simply placed on top of the air vent holes atop. Not even attached, just placed. The other cage did not.
The uncovered cage was infectecd first.
>>1366344 Would appear I mis-recalled the conditions of the test:
"The team placed hamsters that were artificially infected with the disease next to healthy animals. Surgical masks (level 1) were placed between the two cages with air flow travelling from the infected animals to the healthy ones."
Still. 60% reduction.
>>1366346 Explain? Sure. You can't go to church ot a sports game because those are supper spreader events. BLM political activist events are just fine. You can't go to a restaurant or a barbershop but the politicians who voted to imprison you in your house can. This "vaccine" that does not fit the definition of vaccine will stop the spread of the virus. No wait, it will slow the spread. No wait, it will make the virus less severe. Anyway, since it's brand new and there is no data on side effects because it is literally impossible for that data to exist yet it must be safe to take this injection that skipped phase three clinical trials. Yes all the manufacturers insisted they be immune to any legal repercussions for whatever this shot might do to you but you can't go to work or into public buildings if you don't have proof you took the shot. The shot that is now proven to be harmful enough governments are financially compensating the people they forced that poison on.
And the whole time the people cheering for the torture and killing of their fellow citizens for nothing but a security blanket to cling to were waving around "studies" and screaming 'TRUST THE SCIENCE RETARD' to justify their evil. All while pretending Ivermectin was not an FDA approved medicine administered to human beings since 1987 nor wonder why one lab in France published a study saying 'we gave a patient x medicine and they got a little better, we're going to follow up in that' and the second the wrong politician mentioned that on tv labs all over the fucking world not only stopped pursuing that avenue of research, they actively condemned it.
Academia squandered every ounce of goodwill and trust it had ever earned during the pandemic, and revealed itself to be nothing but a pack of well credentialed witch doctors and whores willing to say anything for a paycheck.
>>1366351 None of that explains the results of the test. Which I shall take to mean you have nothing.
The contradictions you cite in your first paragraph appear to be valid to me at a casual glance. You appear to of failed to notice I wasn't responsible for any of it, it wasn't the /topic in hand, and I'm just trying to prove to a stupid fucknuckle that science is the way forwards. Just to remind you, a key property of science is that it features independantly reproducable results. If it lacks this, it's not science.
I've never screeched "trust the science" - but I do promote it's use. But for how it was intended: To observe results, be critical of the methodology, draw your own conclusions - experimenting as necessary to confirm.
"Acedmia" isn't to blame for the issues you list. That's caused by people outside the acedemic sphere taking a ½baked idea and seeing how far they can run with it. It's a consequence of getting used to letting others do your thinking for you, as these ½baked schemes then spread. Typically over docile media - like a virus - infecting the minds of those simple enough to consume docile media. If you treat shit you read on the internet as anything other than an area to do your own research then you deserve what happens next.
>>1366354 You do know we can read the whole thread, right? I don't know what you think you're accomplishing, running off with the goalposts like that.
>Just to remind you, a key property of science is that it features independantly reproducable results. If it lacks this, it's not science. I agree. To bad you seem oblivious to the fact that your sacred cows are going through a replication crisis because of all the well credentialed witch doctors and whores infesting it. This problem is exacerbated by pseudo intellectuals like you that assume laymen can't find flaws with "scientists" who use flawed methodology to produce the results they want instead of results that are correct, or refuse to notice damn near any paper you can produce has a paper contradicting it's conclusions meaning 'source?' has been reduced to a smooth brain thought terminating cliche.
>>1366360 You do know that post makes very little sense, right? I encourage you to read the thread. I admit to bias, but try to pay attention to my posts as they will have value.
I'm not even gonna touch that screwgle link, as they've self-proven untrustable source - but I did extract the actual data. Yes there is a problem with people fudging things. This is a consequence of monetary incentive as you assert. But as I assert, this isn't science - it's money grabbing. You can find this in areas that are not science so it's pretty difficult to pin the blame on science or even 'acedemia'. The manifestation of this into the real world also isn't the fault of science. That's the fault of the idiots that picked it up, failed to critically examine the methodology and then tried to see how far they can run with it. I don't recall a single respectable outlet pushing the narrative: "just do this and everything is fine" - at the time they was still in the 'gathering results' phase, testing different approaches to see what worked. The only place I see different at the time was tw@s on docile media.
None of this detracts from the facts I previously listed, which for clarity I shall remind you of:
» The initial vector was likely a US weapons lab on the east coast working with weaponising covids (I'll concede this is speculation more than fact. But it fits spread patterns, genetic mutation lineage, etc)
» Masks, lacking a better solution, was an effective countermeasure.
» This countermeasure was largely ineffective because large numbers of spastics went out of their way to ensure it's not an effective countermeasure.
» Lockdowns do prevent spread
» This countermeasure was also ineffective because herds of spastics went out of their way to share air and continually provision new mutations with new hosts.
>>1366368 Kind of you to do exactly what you insist others do: completely ignoring their points or pretending sweeping, endemic problems are minor issues while repeatedly asserting debunked nonsense.
You are the living embodiment of the pigeon playing chess meme.
Oh well. The past four years have served to wake enough people up that there aren't enough fanatical zealots like you left for the whores and witch doctors to hide behind.
how funny would it be if the right wing faggot who created and samefagged in this thread was doing it for free
>>1366360 >Only 23% of findings in the field of psychology could be reproduced. And we wonder why "experts" say that chemical castration drugs are an effective treatment for minors with gender dysphoria...
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>>1366380 The only people samefagging are the fags in your head
>>1366360 >As opposed to my conclusions, which are founded on vibes and facebook posts Anonymous
>>1366386 ngl, but if results can't be reproduced and must be believed on faith, then it's no longer science but a religion.
Go ahead and quote me on that. "Anonymous, 2024"
>>1366389 Maybe in psychology. Unfortunately COVID results HAVE been reproduced. Over and over. And each time they found:
>Vaccine worked >Mask reduced spread >Ivermectin didn't do shit Anonymous
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>>1366392 Yeah I doubt much much less the veracity of covid research than I do that of psychology or social sciences
>>1366373 >completely ignoring their points or pretending sweeping, endemic problems are minor issues while repeatedly asserting debunked nonsense. I did this, where?
I paid careful consideration to each point, and weighed it's merit - agreed where appropriate and countered where applicable. I've said nothing is a minor issue, just provisioned blame where it belongs.
Nothing I've spouted has been "debunked". If so, please provision evidence and I'll adjust my stance.
I'm a fanatical zealot - of logic, reason, and fact.
>>1366383 Psychology is, at best, a psudoscience. And that's being generous.
>>1366392 >Vaccine worked Hinges heavily on how you define "work"....
>>1366398 >Hinges heavily on how you define "work".... Compare vaccinated deaths to unvaccinated deaths and come back to me.
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>>1366401 It can attribute short term protection, but the immune response doesn't last, and is still succeptable to it's rapid mutaion. If it doens't leave you innoculated, it's difficult for me to describe this a 'vaccine' ....
If this could be solved with a vaccine, the common cold would of been erradicated by immune response tens of thousands of years ago.
The most realistic solution was to remove it from the ecosystem, unfortunately that ship sailed long ago...
>>1366392 >>Vaccine worked >except it didn't provide immunization like regular vaccines do >and it didn't prevent the spread >and it actually induced blood clots, miscarriages and myocarditis in a large number of people >and the pharmaceutical companies wanted to seal confidential documents regarding testing for at least another 100 years, when everybody who could sue would be dead Anonymous
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>>1366380 He gets paid but this isn't the only place where he shills.
>>1366403 >>and it didn't prevent the spread No vaccine does this. It protects you. It doesn't stop you from being a carrier.
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>>1365995 Oy very goyim really believe 1.30mil died
>Get the myocarditis out of your system and fuckin die already pitiful goy cattle Anonymous
>>1366403 >>except it didn't provide immunization like regular vaccines do 90% reduction rate. Very few vaccines have 100%
>>and it didn't prevent the spread Again, 90% reduction rate.
>>and it actually induced blood clots, miscarriages and myocarditis in a large number of people Literal facebook bullshit.
>>and the pharmaceutical companies wanted to seal confidential documents regarding testing for at least another 100 years, when everybody who could sue would be dead It's because when a team of scientists requested data relating to the vaccine, they requested over 300k pages of information. Every single on of which contains personal info that the FDA legally has to redact. The FDA didn't even refuse; they said they could, at best, release 500 pages a month with their current FOIA team. A judge ordered them to do it faster and even with that they physically have not been able to process most of it simply because they don't have the manpower to do so. It's not even like they released nothing; they just can't release every single thing that FOIA requested at once, so they've been slowly chugging along releasing it bit by bit over the last two years.
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>>1366410 >90% reduction rate. Very few vaccines have 100% I think the point being made - or at least it is from me - is that it doesn't innoculate. It's like chewing gum in a leaky pipe... Yeah it works, sorta. But you're still gonna have the same problem in ten min time.
>Literal facebook bullshit. I actively avoid docile media. I've occured this. In people I know. Plural. It's what stopped my flatmate taking it. I always knew it was futile, besides, if it'll touch my immune system then your species is in serious shit.
>>1366407 >no vaccine does this >no vaccine immunizes you >immunization doesn't exist >I fundamentally do not understand the difference between a prophylactic and an actual vaccine Anonymous
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i can't believe this disinfo campaign from is still ongoing this many years after the pandemic. the shills' bosses must have a lot of money to spend on this faggotry
i can't believe this disinfo campaign is still ongoing this many years after the pandemic. the shills' bosses must have a lot of money to spend on this faggotry
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>>1366473 On a technical level the measles vaccine doesn't work. It's got around a 10% chance of failure. The reasons measles was wiped out was because since everyone had it, there wasn't enough measles to get to that 10% before the it died out.
>>1366407 >No vaccine does this So...You're an anti-vaxxer?
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>>1366480 Nah, it's more like people can now speak up against Branch Covidians after being censored and abused by you immoral fucks for so long.
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>>1366527 Pro-vaxxer are so easy to trick with statistics.
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>>1366109 >Trump realized he was wrong But when your average jpe (not lefties who promoted the vax or people who supported the mandates) realises he was wrong to take the vax they get no sympathy?