>>1366456So basically a Chad pretty boy with chad sharp chin, chad smile, chad jaw, chad eyes, is flirting with the hotel employee girl even showing her his face just because he's bold and playsome and driven and masculine and with purpose. Just a few minutes before he does a badass, huge move driven by his own morals and motives, killing an evil CEO. And successfully getting away from the crime scene and hiding from police up to this point.
I'm sorry this is too fucking much. I hope they find this piece of shit. There's no way I could ever win a woman in a battle with him. Never. If I had a girl, she'd got her heart pierced by this absolute chad, his image wouldn't leave her kind for days straight and would struck in her heart forever. You won't do anything against female attraction to him. It's over. It's over for chadlights, and I don't even wanna talk how much over it is fir those who are not even chadlight.
Find this piece of shit and get rid of him. This chad scum shouldn't walk on this earth. Just make one less chad in this world please. I just can't stand seeing chads and realising how brutal it is for me to compete with that. There's nothing I could do. Nothing. It's all biologically and destinedly predicted.
Unreal. It's unreal. Get rid of him. Big farma, Rothschilds, Trump, anyone. Please find him and wipe him off this earth.
I just can't stand being mogged anymore. It's so painful. This is unbearable be reminded I am nothing like that and never even possibly be.
I fucking hate women. I hate them so much.