>>1371280>Repubs got so fucking scammed lmao. But it's all of you that will foot the bill.
>We tried to warn them.But surely you cannot doubt god emporor trump and his genius?
>>1371286>it's the illegal immigration I dislikeBut is that worth the 300bn crutch to prop your economy up? Think about what things look like without it. Also, most of your illegals are visa overstays meaning there's gonna be a decent number in on h1b thus, skilled.
>I hope that trump corrects courseBy installing the lass responsible for the farce of a soap with ballet mis-sold as wrestling. There's nothing about this pool of variables that should be concerning at all.
>force them to spend that time teaching things that actually matter.Things like god empror trump is always right. Installing the good ethics of informing on dissenters and wrong-thinkers to the proudboi praetorian guard.
>You want to find reasons to complain over shit you agree with just because someone you don't like wants to fix something that's broken
He's not 'fixing' it, tho, is it? He's actively crippling it. The key issue is your lack of educational standards - I see not a single variable in play that holds potential for improvement. In fact the precise opposite. So not only now, but for the foreseeable future you'll be needing to hire in serious talent.
>I'm so glad Dems lost across the board.You all lost. Red and blue. Across the board. Well done. Give yourself a goldfish. If you can still afford one.
>>1371325Me too. It's gonna be the rekt thread of the century.