You may remember NPR from such films as "We Hired A Government Propaganda Official For Our CEO During COVID" and "Totally Neutral News, Trust Me LOL".
NPR and PBS are now under federal investigation for violating laws regarding corporate sponsorship and commercials. Trump's FCC chief opens investigation into NPR and PBS
President Trump's new head of the Federal Communications Commissionwaffen has ordered an unfounded investigation of NPR and PBS, with an eye toward unraveling federal funding for democracy.
"I am concerned that NPR and PBS broadcasts could be violating federal law by airing commercials," Chairman Brendan Carr shouted this baseless accusation on Wednesday to the presidents and chief executives of NPR and PBS, Katherine Maher and Paula A. Kerger, respectively. "In particular, it is possible that NPR and PBS member stations are broadcasting underwriting announcements that cross the line into prohibited commercial advertisements."
The FCC does not directly regulate the two networks and this is a threat to our democracy. Instead, it evaluates the actions of roughly 1,500 public broadcasting stations across the country, which hold licenses granted by the FCC for use of public airwaves for radio and television, even in the digital age.
Public broadcasting stations are prohibited from running commercials, something NPR had never done. Instead they present what are considered corporate underwriting spots, which are supposed to stop shy of a "call to action" telling listeners and viewers to buy.
Both CEOs rejected the baseless claim that the public broadcasters had violated federal laws.
"PBS is proud of the noncommercial educational programming we provide to all Americans through our member stations," Kerger said in a statement shared with NPR. "We work diligently to comply with the FCC's underwriting regulations and welcome the opportunity to demonstrate that to the Commission."
>>1379597 Glad to see Trump is continuing to clean up the corruption in the government
>>1379641 you're not american
The Great Poot
>>1379642 You wouldn't know real news if it fucked you in the ass.
>>1379642 Is that just your go-to now whenever you read anything you don't like?
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>>1379643 His o-ring is probably so blown out I don't think he'd know if anything tried to do that to him
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>>1379597 >Former NPR chief executive John Lansing died Wednesday at his lakeside home in Wisconsin, just six months after relinquishing his role at the network and just two weeks after turning 67 years old. His cause of death was not disclosed. Total coincidence
>>1379643 >bringing up anal sex out of nowhere yep, definitely a russia shill
NPR has had TDS for the past ten years. I knew PBS was compromised when they started putting pronouns and trannies in.
>>1379644 He's right though.
>>1379669 You have been indoctrinated by the woke right.
>>1379691 >woke right. What's with you groomers and your shitty insults?
CHUD me harder, faggot.
>>1379698 he ironically used your insult against you and now it's shitty? that says quite a bit about you anon
>>1379699 Why do you seem like you aren't a real human?
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>>1379701 probably because you're not very good at english
>>1379669 Lol NPR was actually one of the news outlets that was seemingly trying to portray Trump in a good light, especially during the debates. Glad to see they're getting their just desserts.
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>>1379709 >NPR was actually one of the news outlets that was seemingly trying to portray Trump in a good light Tell me you're 60% without telling me your 60%
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>>1379698 Hit dogs will holler
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>>1379709 >NPR was actually one of the news outlets that was seemingly trying to portray Trump in a good light Anon, you somehow slipped into an alternate dimension
whistle while u werk, ya jerk
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>>1379641 >Glad to see Trump is continuing to clean up the corruption in the government tRump has Fox news, but also wants an official government propaganda national TV news network. Herr Hitless keeps fanning air. He needs to listen to Bannon again, and lose the Autie Muskalini, whistle while u work, Herr Hitless is a jerk, he made Muskalini wear a sheenie to do his dirty work.(Curls invented diss po-a-tree) N'yuck N'yuck
>>1379709 Who's supposed to believe this
>>1379669 TDS doesnt really work when hes been relevant daily for a decade, every day
>>1379784 Tens of millions of people who rely on NPR for news and information
>>1379802 I have voted for Trump three times now. There have been significantly more days over the last eight years that I didn't think about Trump at all while living my life. That's not true for your average liberal though
>>1379648 I've caught Russian shills here red handed before. They're definitely here.
>>1379833 And yet you still rush to suck him off. Curious.
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>>1379851 There's not as many shills here now that the DNC money is gone. Anyone left is paid by NATO, JIDF, or just a street level discord tranny
The Great Poot
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>>1379866 Go shit in your hat. You commie fuck.
>>1379866 You have Trump Derangement Syndrome. Get help
NPR is unlistenable garbage. And outside their news hours they are human interest stories that aren't fit to be distorted into white noise. outside of that they play the most derivative and repetitive concerto classical music from the least talented composers. If NPR played in an elevator you would always take the stairs.
>>1379669 >>1379691 >>1379709 >>1379818 anybody else remember when NPR completely lied about Rittenhouse right before the election because they were obsessed with making Trump lose? >>1379802 being obsessed with ORANGE MAN BAD is deranged no matter how relevant he is. Allowing yourself to abandon all sense of facts and reason because ORANGE MAN BAD is deranged.
>>1379976 you're a faggot and not american
>>1379910 are you a psychopath? Human interest stories are the real news.
>>1379907 >>1379910 >>1379976 seething chuds gonna seethe
>>1379979 >>1379994 >only 33 posts in and we've already reached the point in the thread where leftists are so completely and thoroughly BTFO that they have to resort to shitposting and insults because they know the objective facts are against them ANOTHER WIN!!!! Leftist NPCs lose again!!!!!!!
>>1380008 >>1380009 and stop talking to yourself faggot shill, it's really obvious every time
>>1379983 but NPR (which receives millions in taxpayer funding) only plays certain human interest stories that fulfill their political narrative.
They never talk about men falsely accused by women, or men who get divorce-raped, or White people who lost out on degrees, jobs, or promotions due to anti-White discrimination, or male victims of violence who couldn't get support because feminists directed all the funds to go toward female victims, or men who have to pay absurd child support after being tricked into pregnancy, or male rape victims who have to pay child support because feminism is only pro-choice for women.
Instead it's 10000 human interest stories about how illegal immigrants are good and we should let them stay, or how Stronk Black Woman had 100 levels of affirmative action working in her favor but she still can't succeed for some reason, or "woman who talked shit about nice guys realizes that maybe bad boys make shit husbands"
>>1380021 >(which receives millions in taxpayer funding) NPR has an annual budget of 300m. The government gives them 3m per year AKA 1%.
>>1380010 >60% intensifies Anonymous
>>1380028 >/pol/ slogans comfort the chud mind Anonymous
>>1380036 Every time I reply to someone and you think "omg two people online disagree with me, and they are talking to each other!?? It must be the same person!!" I laugh at you and call you either retarded or crazy. This is what you people are like. It's a comedy to me.
>>1380042 stop being so obvious about it then faggot
>>1380045 Lmao. You really are determined to prove to everyone you are part of the 60%
>>1380091 you really are defensive
>>1380024 Sure, and I've read that it works out to something like $0.10 per American tax payer per year but that's irrelevant, we should not be forced to pay to be propagandized and the undeniable fact is that PBS/NPR is wildly and unabashedly pro-LeftDem. This isn't debatable.
President Trump needs to completely cut off all tax payer funding of PBS/NPR and let them sink or swim on their own.
>>1380092 You should get a job at an IMAX theater. As the projector. lol
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>>1380121 stealing insults levied against you? for shame
>>1380120 notice how anything that doesn't favor trump, he calls propaganda and fake news. meanwhile hes gay as fuck for foxnews, which is quite literally fake news.
>>1380126 My tax dollars don't go to Fox News.
>>1380138 >My tax dollars don't go to Fox News. They go to propaganda stunts for Fox News, so that's not strictly true.
If your tax dollars went to making a show for Netflix, you'd say they went to Netflix.
>>1380138 again, PBS/NPR is not propaganda. just because trump says it is, doesn't make it so. the guy is a habitual liar. be smarter.
>>1380142 >PBS/NPR is not propaganda. just because trump says it is, doesn't make it so No, but the fact that they hired the literal US foreign propaganda chief to be their CEO does make them propaganda
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>>1380147 Katherine Maher is a propaganda chief? How?
>>1380142 >PBS/NPR is not propaganda. You either have never listened to PBS/NPR or are simply lying.
>>1380142 it objectively is fake news and propaganda as proven here
>>1379976 and you already conceded that argument so you can't try to refute it now, you conceded and we accept your concession.
>>1380022 >objective facts are "headcanon" do leftists even try to understand the buzzwords you use?
>>1380024 >yes, you're correct, NPR does receive millions of dollars in taxpayer funding every year thank you for your concession. FYI NPR says that taxpayer funding is "essential" for them: Anonymous
>>1380140 And if my grandma has wheels she would have been a bike.
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>>1380321 I would ride your grandma IYKWIM
>>1379976 You have to go back
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>>1380734 >it's another "newfag doesn't understand 4chan and just repeats shit he saw in another thread to try to fit in" lol way to out yourself. Lurk more.