>>1383489>Autism doesn't exist,As someone accused of being 'on the spectrum', I will have to respectfully disagree.
I'm one of them 'high functioning' autists. I'm not some perculiar math genius, I generally CBA, but I do seem better than most at spotting patterns. Something that takes most decades of study I tend to master in less than an hour. There doesn't appear to be a directional limit to this ability. Pick something, I can do it. Or I can learn it, most likely in less than an hour (something a little more complex like a language might take a little longer).
I've obviously posession and proficiency of sufficient diction but my social interactions are ... lacking. Somone who used me as a case study whilst playing with her psychology degree described me as 'socially retarded' - which I kinda like so stole as a descriptive term.
My brain works 'differently' to everyone elses, without even the shadow of a doubt. This is hyper-obvious to me, and generally obvious to most that interact with me for more than a few moments. I cannot possibly label this difference as a 'defect' as my mind clearly works better than most, tho many other may well try to apply such a label. From my perspective, it's y'all that's the defective ones. Almost everything you does fills me with confuddlements.
Yes, I did grow up single parent. I really don't think that impacted. I did also however grow up before there was such diagnosis to be had commonplace, and stick beatings was the general application to non-conformity. Which along with an attitude that regardless of personal comfort experiences must be gained, might explain the little social skills I do have. Had I been born a decade or two later I'd likely of been slapped with a ADHD sticker - which I believe isn't a real condition, possibly other conditions mishandled. Possibly.
>never proven brain disorders.Proven? debateable. Disorder? I'd intensely argue. All order here. Definitely "different" at the brain level however.