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Trump fails to meet deportation quotas

No.1384643 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Trump can't make another campaign promise.
Chuds will ignore that with deportations also down, ICE is shown to be a useless agency that lets in immigrants just to make deportation numbers.

Since taking office, President Donald Trump has launched an all-of-government immigration crackdown with the urgency of a wartime effort, a mobilization comparable in scope to the responses to the 9/11 attacks and the coronavirus pandemic.

But despite the rapid infusion of resources, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is struggling to arrest higher numbers of immigrants and falling far short of the administration’s goals.

The president wants federal agents from across the government — even the Internal Revenue Service — looking for potential deportees, and the FBI says “thousands” of its employees are now supporting immigration operations. Trump has sent hundreds of troops to the southern border and military transport planes loaded with immigrants to as far away as India. The Guantánamo Bay Naval Base, where U.S. forces once sent enemy combatants seized on the battlefield, is now a destination for immigrant detainees, many picked up at the Mexican border.

ICE officers stormed out of the gates during the first 10 days of the administration. The agency did highly publicized enforcement raids in “sanctuary” cities run by Democrats, bringing along television crews and celebrities like Dr. Phil. For several days, ICE published its daily arrest numbers on social media, which started in the several hundreds per day and reached 1,179 on Jan. 26.