>>1384951Not much point debating, but I'll be nice since you made the effort of pulling a source
I do have some issues with the study, especially the fact that it relies on satisfaction with penile size, and not size itself. Moreover, there were only 1840 persons involved, quite a small study, while the larger survey it relied on had only 2014 peoples participating, so that's not a lot when you've got an approximated 100 million gun owners on your country, but oh well.
>anti-gunners have two inches penisesAlso, once again, no mention of penis size, but you're free to imagine them.
>dems passed 'red flag' lawNot even half of the states have red flag laws in place, some states even have anti red-flag laws.
>if you see a psychologist for any reason cops are sent to your homeThat is very unlikely to happen.
You'd have to willingly go to a therapist, tell them you intend on hurting someone else with a firearm, and that therapist would then have to contact the police. That would be illogical
>at 3am in a no knock raid to take your guns and murder youWon't address that much since it's mostly paranoid ramblings, but red flags laws are there to temporarily take away guns, and you can't return something to a dead body.
>you have a kingIt's a president, but alright sometimes it feels like it
>your third world countryI find it funny how citizens in the US call everyone else third world when they are third world
We have national Healthcare, called Sécurité Sociale, we have a Ministry of Education, so free national education for all children under 16, and low price universities for the less fortunate to get higher level diplomas.
We've also got all kind of social stuff that would put us above third world, but I'm making this short
>your country didn't invent shitWe're know for inventing photography, along with a lot of other stuff.
And last thing,
>America invented AmericaPatriotism is nice, but America wouldn't exist without France, Spain and the Dutch.