An state audit of Governor JB Pritzker's administration reveals massive benefits fraud that cost the state $1.6bn over the last 5 years. Actual costs were underreported by 84% and 20% of enrollees were ineligible for benefits because they were marked as "undocumented".
Democrat billionaire Prtizker was seen fleeing the state on his private jet shortly before the results of the audit became public. Illinois Probed Over $1.6 Billion Health-Care Scheme for Illegal Migrants
Illinois state audit has revealed that Governor JB Pritzker's administration hugely underestimated the cost of programs providing health care to undocumented immigrants, prompting calls for them to be shut down.
The report, released on Wednesday by Auditor General Frank Mautino's office, said the programs have cost the state more than $1.6 billion since 2020.
Newsweek contacted Pritzker's office for further comment via email.
Pritzker's proposed budget for the 2026 fiscal year eliminates funding for the Health Benefits for Immigrant Adults program, which provided health care for immigrants without legal status aged 42 to 64. But his proposal includes $132 million for the Health Benefits for Immigrant Seniors program, which caters to those over 65.
While progressive lawmakers support the programs, Republicans have accused Pritzker's administration of mismanaging the programs and downplaying their cost. Some have called for the program for adults to be shut down now.
The audit, ordered by the Legislative Audit Commission in 2023, revealed that initial cost estimates for the program for seniors was $224 million for the 2021, 2022 and 2023 fiscal years, but actually cost the state just $412.3 million—or 84 percent more.
But the program for those between 42 and 64 saw much greater cost overruns.
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The initial estimate of the program's cost for adults aged 55 to 64 was $58.4 million but ended up costing the state $223.1 million, or 282 percent more. The cost estimate for those aged 42 to 54 was $68 million but the actual cost was $262.2 million, or 286 percent more. The audit also found enrolment for the programs had been massively underestimated. The initial estimated number of enrollees for the program for seniors over 65 was 6,700 in the 2023 fiscal year, but the actual number enrolled was 15,831. For the program for those aged 42 to 54, the initial estimated number of enrollees was 18,800, but the actual number enrolled was 36,912. For the program for those aged 55 to 64, the initial estimate was 8,000, but the actual number enrolled was 17,024. The report showed some people had been improperly enrolled in the program, including permanent residents who may have been eligible for Medicaid coverage. The report said auditors identified 6,098 people enrolled in the programs who were listed as "undocumented" but had Social Security numbers. They also found 668 people who were enrolled in the program for seniors but were not over 65. It also said 478 people enrolled had two or more recipient identification numbers.
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Illinois House Republican leader Tony McCombie said in a statement on Wednesday that Democratic leadership "forced taxpayers to shoulder the burden of this reckless spending for non-citizens, pushing our state's finances to the brink. "Beyond the overwhelming cost, reports of fraud and abuse make it even clearer that this program must end. There is no need to wait until the next fiscal year—immediately shut it down and protect Illinois taxpayers." Senate Republican leader John Curran told the Chicago Sun-Times: "This program cost taxpayers of Illinois millions upon millions of dollars, dollars that never should have been spent on people ineligible for coverage, both not properly in the program or not getting federal reimbursements when they were eligible." The auditor general's report recommends Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) work with the Department of Human Services to review its eligibility data and remove duplicate enrollees to ensure fraudulent or duplicate payments are not made. It also recommends HFS seek "federal reimbursement for any federal match lost due to the miscategorization of HBIS and HBIA enrollees who were otherwise eligible for federally funded programs." It remains to be seen how much, if any, funding will be allocated for the programs for the next fiscal year.
CHUDS aint human, euthanize them
Universal health care 4 all, you ignorant bigot scum C.annibalistic H.umanoid Urban D.weller
"Newsweek is an American weekly news magazine. Formerly considered one of the "big three" premier weekly print news magazines in the USA, it has been sold for $1, become primarily an online site owned by a controversial religious organization, producing "plenty of clickbait" before becoming a "painful embarrassment" to people who worked there in its "golden years"."
>>1388337 >>1388334 >The initial estimated number of enrollees for the program for seniors over 65 was 6,700 in the 2023 fiscal year, but the actual number enrolled was 15,831 >The report said auditors identified 6,098 people enrolled in the programs who were listed as "undocumented" but had Social Security numbers. They also found 668 people who were enrolled in the program for seniors but were not over 65. More Democrat fraud from a Democrat state.
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>>1388334 >Universal health care Can only happen in a homogenous society.
tRump likes cookies
>>1388354 >More Democrat fraud from a Democrat state. tRump is making billions in graft, biden's $60 million is peanuts.
>>1388476 If this was a real story it would be in The New York Times and not in Newsweek.
>>1388286 >jewish billionaire who wants to ban guns is corrupt no wonder the dems love this fat fuck
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>>1388334 >urban so dems are the chuds?
>>1388478 nyt lied for months about hunter's laptop and then only admitted it was real years later buried like 6 paragraphs deep in another story
>>1388541 how many separate browsers are you posting from right now?
>>1388563 so multiple? lying faggot
>>1388568 nope. just one. also stop signing your posts, its against the rules
>>1388577 keep lying to us dumb faggot. nobody will ever believe you were raised speaking english
>>1388568 Every time I come on this board you are looking and acting like an insane person
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>>1388541 Accurate
>>1388536 Also accurate
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esl shill really doesn't even try does he
>>1388579 you are mad as fuck and yelling at your own delusions. is this on account of english isn't your first language?
>>1388585 because she is an insane tranny
>>1388589 >is this on account of english isn't your first language thanks for proving you're esl yet again dumb faggot
>>1388590 Bro you have like 3 base responses approved by your handlers and maybe 10 variants of those 3.
You really need to find a new job
>>1388592 no i just actually speak english, faggot. instead of being defensive maybe you should study more. immersion helps quite a bit too, reclusive faggot
>>1388593 I'm not the same person you've been arguing with, I made a single post in this thread and this is it:
>>1388585 I really urge you to seek help or a new job
>>1388594 nobody cares lying faggot. i'm busy making fun of you
>>1388595 I don't care if you believe me because it's obvious you are not a reasonable person
>>1388596 i'm not able to reason with your simultaneous smugness and poor control of the english language, you're right
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>>1388592 this
>>1388590 >dem shill hasn't read mark twain it shows. only Americans read American authors in school
>>1388593 lol no you don't, seething fag boi shill
>>1388595 not really, that other guy is really making you look like a massive faggot
>>1388599 you sound mad samefag
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>>1388600 I'm not samefagging and I'm not mad. I'm laughing at you. you are such a silly homosexual shill boi
the shill sure loves to lie. i'm sure he's going to fill the thread with samefaggotry after all the actual americans go to bed
>>1388603 I agree, that democrat shill sure loves lying. he obviously isn't American because all Americans hate democrats. its why trump won and only states that allow noncitizens to vote like california went to harris. in fact, harris did not win a single state that requires voter ID.
>>1388606 hi russia shill. triggered?
>>1388607 you seem confused. unlike you and obongo, I am American and have an American birth certificate
>>1388608 it's like you enjoy proving you're a loser. works for me faggot
>>1388600 Anon, you really should seek help. You are quite literally the most unhinged poster on this board
>>1388597 >i'm not able to reason This is painfully apparent for all to see, there is no need to call it out
>>1388613 you're a wonderful example of the dunning kruger effect esl shill
>>1388609 we don't sign our posts here. and you are clearly the loser seeing as harris lost
>>1388612 >>1388613 very good posts
>>1388616 how miniscule is your english vocabulary anyways
>>1388618 I gotta use small words for shills like you since english ain't your first language. you seem very angry. is your dilate hole infected again?
>>1388619 i suppose i'll stop gracing you with my superior presence and you can be a faggot who responds to yourself for the rest of the american PM hours. good day faggot
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>>1388620 stop signing your posts, shill boi. it isn't allowed on here and also you suck
>>1388614 You are unhinged and have consistently an extremely low posting quality. Please ask for new posting material from your handler.
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>>1388629 You are free to believe whatever helps a crazy person like you sleep better at night, but I still must urge you to seek psychiatric help
>>1388629 Additionally, spamming this repeatedly is consistently low quality posting and detracts from the quality of the board
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the democrat shill really got btfo'd here
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>>1388334 How about a rope for your worthless neck, commie
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>>1388633 Not him but the "good post/accurate" poster ruined that precedent long ago.