President Donald Trump said Friday that he is seeking a new agreement with Iran to curb the country’s nuclear program, warning ominously of a conflict if a deal can’t be reached.
The president earlier told Fox News that he sent a letter to Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, calling for an agreement to replace the one that the Trump administration canceled in May 2018 in favor of what they called a “maximum pressure” campaign.
He suggested, without specifics, that the issue could quickly lead to conflict with Iran, which has accelerated its production of weapons-grade uranium since 2018.
“We’re at final moments.” Trump said. “We can’t let them have a nuclear weapon.”
The White House did not release the letter and the president did not make it clear whether he was suggesting direct U.S. action was an option in dealing with the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran — an issue that has challenged multiple administrations.
“There’ll be some interesting days ahead, that’s all I can tell you. We’re down to final strokes with Iran,” he said.
Later, Trump added that he was interested in peace with Iran.
“Hopefully we can have a peace deal,” he said. “I’m not speaking out of strength or weakness, I’m just saying I’d rather have a peace deal than the other, but the other will solve the problem.”
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He discussed the letter, the first engagement of his new administration with the Iranian leadership, earlier in the day in an interview on Fox News. Iran immediately was dismissive of the new approach. Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi said the country would not resume talks until the U.S. rolls back its “maximum pressure” sanctions policy. In Trump’s first term, his administration withdrew from the Obama-era nuclear deal between Iran and several nations, in which the Iranian government agreed to limit its civilian nuclear enrichment program in return for sanctions relief. Last month, the president signed a memorandum restoring the pressure campaign. Meanwhile, Iran has accelerated enrichment of uranium to near weapons-grade levels. International Atomic Energy Agency chief Rafael Mariano Grossi has warned that Iran is dangerously close to nuclear armament, saying the country already has enough uranium enriched to a near weapons-grade level to fuel several nuclear weapons. This week’s public interaction also comes at a particularly tense time between the two governments, as U.S. prosecutors alleged last fall that the Iranian regime ordered an operative to assassinate Trump in the leadup to the 2024 election, which Iran has repeatedly denied.
>>1390010 >Trump threatens Iran with military action >the president did not make it clear whether he was suggesting direct U.S. action was an option Stopped reading there. Trash thread.
If only there was some sort of nuclear deal in place. Trash president.
>>1390015 retard
>He suggested, without specifics, that the issue could quickly lead to conflict with Iran, which has accelerated its production of weapons-grade uranium since 2018. >“We’re at final moments.” Trump said. “We can’t let them have a nuclear weapon.” >The White House did not release the letter and the president did not make it clear whether he was suggesting direct U.S. action was an option in dealing with the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran — an issue that has challenged multiple administrations. >“There’ll be some interesting days ahead, that’s all I can tell you. We’re down to final strokes with Iran,” he said. Anonymous
>>1390017 So where in this did he "threatens Iran with military action"? The closest you got to this claim is
>He suggested, without specifics, that the issue could quickly lead to conflict with Iran, Yet for the life of me I can't see that quote anywhere where he said "conflict".
>>1390018 anon what do you think all this talk about how we're at the end of our rope is leading up to? It's not like we're allies with Iran. What else could an escalation be?
>>1390018 retard
>This week’s public interaction also comes at a particularly tense time between the two governments, as U.S. prosecutors alleged last fall that the Iranian regime ordered an operative to assassinate Trump in the leadup to the 2024 election, which Iran has repeatedly denied. Anonymous
>>1390019 It could be another day of Trump saying something pointless (i.e. we're going to invade Greenland).
>>1390020 Yeah still not seeing where Trump directly threatened anybody retard. Can you find a quote? ... No? Well I guess fuck off then with your bait thread.
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>>1390010 good.
Total Iran Death
Total Ukraine Death
Make Israel Great Again
Make Russia Great Again
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>>1390016 >deal you mean like a treaty or something? Yeah, the US doesn't honor treaties, we never have and we never will. Ask Ukraine about the '94 defense treaty.
>>1390024 >He's just joking Yeah and how's that working out with the whole "annex canada" thing?
>>1390030 Are we annexing Canada?
>>1390031 No but they are boycotting us and cancelling agreements that have been going for decades because Trump can't shut his fucking mouth.
>>1390034 >No There you go.
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>>1390010 Holy shit he's brown now
>>1390034 shit agreements that robbed the American people. Fuck Canada. Good on Trump for showing that America has a spine again and won't be taken advantage of anymore by these leeches just a small list of the unfair trade deals and tariffs that Canda already levies upon us. These are all facts that you can't run away from shill. Fact of the matter is that Trump is fighting back against these dirty conniving leafs.
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>>1390010 well we clearly can't let us have nuclear weapons either, I'm ok with them bombing cali and nyc and us in a nuclear war though.
>>1390038 kekeke another loser falls for fake news.
Canada only has massive tariffs on foodstuff mostly animal produce for historical reason. You deserve to die for being retarded.
>>1390038 >rob the american people by selling you goods at a below market rate americans are so stupid, do you know what a trade deficit means it means you're a parasite that produces less then you consume and need to buy from abroad and given your economic situation you don't even pay for it you put it on Tap.
fucking parasite
>>1390042 >(((((( ))))) >>1390044 only parasites are the canadians who are robbing America blind. you're just butthurt we have a strong leader for once that won't put up with your thievery
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>>1390050 ya like you robbed your grocery store by paying for goods lmao. bunch of entitled parasites, I'm going to enjoy watching you starve, The US is a country with little to offer in terms of resources and makes most of your money manufacturing and selling services. you don't have the cards you never did, kekeke. anything short of a full on invasion will just have the US starve itself to death, you don't produce enough to feed yourselves let alone have the raw resources to continue manufacturing your goods.
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>>1390050 You can check the actual customs chart that number list you put out is complete bullshit lmao.
but leave it to an american to be an uneducated loser that can't factcheck. shhh Canada is already the 51st state
shhh Canada is already the 51st state Sat 08 Mar 2025 05:28:31 No. 1390075 Report Quoted By:
>>1390031 >Are we annexing Canada? Canada is more of a United States satellite then Israel is but at least Canada makes us a profit. We get cheap lumber and oil from Canada as well as other natural resources at a reduced price. All we got to do is buy auto parts from them. tRump is that stupid.
>>1389953 >Just take them by force. We have the strongest military in the world >>1389955 >Me and most of /pol/ would enlist if he actually does it >Iran is anti-Israel >Trump is so pro-Israel, he's Netanyahu's bitch >>1390010 >unless Iran folds like a lawn chair, Trump wants war with them Will you fold like a lawn chair, anti-war MAGAtards? You must throw your cult leader under a bus if you don't want to.
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>>1390111 Trump is infallible like the pope.
>>1390111 The cope right now is that they aren't anti-war, but anti stupid war.
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>>1390155 It's not a cope that's always been the MAGA stance.
>>1390155 Taking shit from degenerate weak libtard democracies like Canada or Greenland is based. It's what Hitler and Putin did. There is nothing more glorious than blowing shit up and looting the remains. What we have never supported is retard wars where we're "nation building." No, just go in there, blow them up, take their shit, and export it back home.
>>1390159 >It's what Hitler and Putin did And how'd that work out?
>>1390159 This. Based wars that improve the country have always been worth fighting. Cuckold wars where you die so some ungrateful pieces of shit like Ukraine can profit are peak trannypilled
>>1390161 Marvelously for Putin now that they're winning. And it wouldve went fine for Hitler if a bunch of traitors hadn't decided to betray Hitlers movement of Pan-Aryanisn
>>1390164 What? Putin isn't winning anything.
>>1390186 ((((euromaidenpress))))
>>1390183 No more free American taxpayer money to the thieving Ukraina. You're fucked, like it or not
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>>1390187 >No, Russia totally didn't get 80% of their troops in that operation killed! Fake news! >We just sent their parents meat grinders as a joke! Anonymous
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>>1390159 >>1390162 >>1390164 >>1390187 >anti-war >pro-war Rightard hypocrisy. Just say no.
>>1390036 Worm .Coward. Shift your threshold of proof when it comes to the outwardly imperialistic ambitions of your faggot favourite that ran on a platform of anti-war and anti-imperialism, meanwhile you strain and gape yourself when confronted with every indication otherwise.
>>1390269 Canada has put harsh tariffs on American imports for years before Trump entered office, lefty retard. Nobody is going to annex Canada.
>HE'S GOING TO DO THE THING >okay but he hasn't and can't >BUT HE COULD THOUGH You need to see a doctor, unironically. You're not well.
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>>1390272 Where do you people get this shit from?