The United States has told its allies that it does not plan to participate in military exercises in Europe, according to reports.
the tRump administration is redrawing Nato engagement in a way that favours member countries with higher defence spending.
The move, the latest in Donald tRump’s pivot away from the bloc, would see America pull out of exercises beyond those already scheduled for this year.
The withdrawal concerns exercises that are on the “drawing board”, according to Swedish newspaper Expressen.
It means that Nato countries will be forced to plan exercises without the participation of the US military, the largest in the alliance.
On Friday, he warned that the US may not defend Nato allies who don't pay up
The president is said to be considering prioritising military exercises with member countries that are spending the set percentage of GDP on their defence, officials told NBC
The Telegraph reported on Friday that Mr tRump is also considering pulling US troops out of Germany and redeploying them to Eastern Europe.
He is understood to be weighing up withdrawing some 35,000 active personnel and moving them to Hungary.
Puties Pyjama Party
tRump only wants to rattle sabres only on the domestic front. take over Canada, Greenland, confiscate parts of northern Mexico, imprison domestic adversaries 2029 is the yr of chaos and death
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>>1390174 They voted for this. Oh wait...
Canada has nukes
>>1390176 B.C. to levy tolls on U.S. trucks travelling to Alaska in tariff retaliation tRump will capture the British Columbia coastline first to stop this toll and have a land route directly to Alaska
>>1390181 Sounds based. The fuck is pussy Canada gonna do about it
>>1390181 Good luck getting soldiers to march against Canada when we've been collaborating with them for literal decades.
>>1390191 The military is overwhelmingly Trump supporters. They'll do as their Commander in Chief orders.
>>1390192 I'm pretty sure even the most diehard Trump supporters will have some issue going to war in a conflict we started against people they were training with a few months ago. Especially when Trump is going out of his way to cut every single veteran benefit to make the military even less appealing.
>>1390193 you don't know shit then. you're a tranny leftist, the fuck would you know how real fighting men feel?
>cut every single veteran benefit complete and utter fake news. hes gutting the incompetent corrupt VA that has been a disservice to our military veterans for decades. what comes next will be even better. the way you troons try to depict trump as some kind of cartoon villain is so hilarious, "LE DRUMPF HATES LE MILITARY" lmao such fake news
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>>1390194 why do you have to bring your fetish into every topic shill. it just makes you a more obvious shill
>>1390194 >what comes next will be even better. What comes next is what? What replacement is he making? Is it in the same healthcare concept he's been working on for 8 years?
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>>1390196 >What comes next is what? Suckers & losers deserve bedbug ridden roach motel
>>1390189 you've about to get the reenactment of what happened when the nazis tried to invade the soviets. most of you pampered piss children have never even seen snow before.
>>1390204 cucknadia is an even bigger leftist anti-gun shit hole then california. you won't do shit cuz you can't do shit. seethe.
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>>1390205 clearly you're not american if you don't know what type of savage shit canadians did as our allies in previous wars
>>1390205 canadians will scalp you pussies, the ones who manage to make it through are going to freeze to death.
Canada is a colder country on average then even russia, head far enough north and you'll get man eating polar bears.
you pampered babies have never had to wear a fur coat or gone through a snowstorm before, imagine having giant trees crystalize from the snow and branches falling apart in front of houses.
>>1390210 no one cares about the shitty outback boonies you would flee to. the profitable parts of canada are on the border. 90% of your population is on the border. go ahead and have the northwest territories no one cares.
Canada has Sasquatch
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>>1390210 We Canadians have Sasquatch(bigfoot, only furier and meaner) living in our vast arboreal forests.The same far as that supply the United States with pine wood and that United States can never compete with. Many of foolish American has tried to go into these primeval arboreal Forest with rifles and a mother returned. The Sasquatch like Americans because of their fat greasy smell.. yummy.
Canada has Sasquatch
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>>1390217 >the profitable parts of canada are on the border. No ignorant ugly american, all the rich natural resources are in these outback areas. And Sasquatch live there.
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>>1390217 kekeke the retarded american think he can take on a goose.
you're a baby compared to canadian wildlife.
>>1390174 >The president is said to be considering prioritising military exercises with member countries that are spending the set percentage of GDP on their defence Does this seem unreasonable to you? Why should America pay to defend foreign nations that aren't even willing to pay to defend themselves? Trump is fucking up a lot of stuff right now but this is actually sensible.
The entirety of Western Europe can't band together to deal with Russia without America doing all the heavy lifting? Really? They seemed to do just fine prior to the 1940s.
>>1390233 NATO's Article 5 has only been invoked by the US.
>>1390235 I'm not sure why you think that would be relevant and even if it were relevant, it's not true. Surely you can come up with a response that isn't a lie.
>The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) declared an Article 5 contingency through a series of resolutions of the North Atlantic Council enacted between September 12 and October 2, 2001, done in response to the September 11 attacks in the United States. The decision to invoke NATO's collective self-defense provisions was undertaken at NATO's own initiative, without a request by the United States, and occurred despite the hesitation of Germany, Belgium, Norway, and the Netherlands. It is the only time in NATO's history its collective defense provisions have been invoked. Anonymous
>>1390236 >it's not true >Posts paragraph literally showing Article 5 being only used by the US Article 5 has only ever been invoked for the US' sake anon. Also the inherent nature of Article 5 means a request by the country it's being done for isn't a requirement for it to work either.
>>1390235 >only been invoked by the US. >>1390238 >only ever been invoked for the US' sake ah yes because these sentences have the exact same meaning, right?
what a pathetic cuck you are
Can you answer a simple question or are you "people" literally genetically incapable of honesty? Last chance!
>>1390233 >Why should America pay to defend foreign nations that aren't even willing to pay to defend themselves? Anonymous
>>1390239 Because their troops died for our war on terror and the last thing we want with the growing concern of the world phasing out the dollar is us to have even less influence?
>>1390194 >the fuck would you know how real fighting men feel? 'Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children'
>who made the above quote I love the smell of destroyed opinions in the morning. Smells like... victory.
The one who made that quote certainly did, and in more ways than one. Trump never will. But then, ol' 'Bone Spurs' was a tranny coward that never knew how real fighting men feel, unlike the one who made the above quote.
Will you ever know how real fighting men feel,
>>1390194 the tranny rightard coward? Gee, I wonder why WWII air ace (who also fought with the Resistance in France against the Nazis) & veteran of Korea and Vietnam Gen. Chuck Yeager refused to endorse your cult leader.
>>1390243 >a few hundred foreign troops died in the Middle East, therefore the U.S. must permanently fund the defenses of all of Europe Sure, makes sense to me.
>>1390239 nice semantics garbage, maybe if americans weren't so incompetent we wouldn't have this war ongoing. America literally pressured other countries to disarm and pretend they were going to play referee for the kiddies.
>>1390246 I'm ok with people like you dying now. I hope when the next inevitable attack happens the world leaves america to rot. and it'll happen, you've been funding terrorists and literally murdered civilians every country you've gone into all you've done is radicalize them against the evil empire.
>>1390255 Anon, the last time we were attacked on our own soil we waged a campaign of bloodletting for twenty years.
You're not a threat. You're barely even a sovereign country. You're like the family dog.
sound of German ashkeNAZIs goose stepping
sound of German ashkeNAZIs goose stepping Sun 09 Mar 2025 07:15:33 No. 1390266 Report Quoted By:
>>1390245 Eisenhower and his Republicans were the last great politicians. JFK might have been if you want assassinated by the deep state. Yeager would have been a good POTUS
sound of German ashkeNAZIs goose stepping
sound of German ashkeNAZIs goose stepping Sun 09 Mar 2025 07:18:13 No. 1390267 Report >>1390257 >Anon, the last time we were attacked on our own soil we waged a campaign of bloodletting for twenty years Against Iraq? You sure missed the target there boy. And the cost of 9/11 was the diminishing of American citizens freedom, and the creation of a surveillance state to spy in every American. You lost
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>>1390267 >You lost It wasn't about winning anon. It was about sending a message.
>>1390174 It's kinda embarrassing on Europe's part that they're so dependent. They should have seen that America is unreliable 10 years ago.
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>>1390274 this. freeloaders need to fuck off. europes been benefiting off the American taxpayer for far too long. same with japan, taiwan, worst korea, canada, ukraine, australia, new zealand and all these other alleged """"""""""allies"""""""""""
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>>1390274 Europe should've taken action to reduce dependency during Trump 1. The US is only as reliable as its current government