Video: The lone survivor of the three people who were shot by Kyle Rittenhouse during unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last year testified during Rittenhouse's trial this Monday.
Rittenhouse, who was 17 at the time, has said he wanted to help vigilante groups trying to protect the city of Kenosha following riots over a police shooting that left a Black man paralyzed.
Rittenhouse opened fire in confusing circumstances, killing two men, Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, and badly wounding a third, Gaige Grosskreutz.
During his questioning by prosecutors, Grosskreutz acknowledged that he was carrying a handgun as he chased Rittenhouse while he was running towards police.
Rittenhouse ended up shooting and killing Anthony Huber after Huber lunged at him and tried to hit Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard. During those seconds, Grosskreutz was shot in the arm by Rittenhouse.
Grosskreutz testified that after Huber was killed, he put in hands in the air as he saw Rittenhouse's AR-15 point towards him. He claimed that before he was shot, he saw Rittenhouse "re-rack" his weapon before firing.
"Re-racking the weapon, in my mind, meant that [Rittenhouse] pulled the trigger while my hands were in the air, but the gun didn't fire," Grosskreutz said. "So then by re-racking the weapon, I inferred that [Rittenhouse] wasn't accepting my surrender." Arrested not long afterward, Rittenhouse was charged with five felony counts, including first-degree homicide, before being freed on bail of $2 million. That large sum was quickly raised by supporters across the country, including a prominent Donald Trump backer, the pillow company executive Mike Lindell, as well as actor Ricky Schroder. If convicted during the trial in Kenosha County Circuit Court, Rittenhouse faces a possible life sentence.
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I'm just not going to take it.
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>>957554 >Run at someone holding a pistol shouting you surrender means they should throw their rifle on the ground to accept you surrendering to them Anonymous
>>957554 >, in my mind, it was real in my mind
>>957554 >"Re-racking the weapon, in my mind, meant that [Rittenhouse] pulled the trigger while my hands were in the air, but the gun didn't fire," Grosskreutz said. "So then by re-racking the weapon, I inferred that [Rittenhouse] wasn't accepting my surrender." This might get Grosskreutz off the hook for trying to shoot Rittenhouse, but also shows that Rittenhouse was justified in shooting him, since he stopped surrendering and resumed hostility despite Rittenhouse not actually pulling the trigger like what Grosskreutz says he thought happened. Of course Grosskreutz was never on the hook anyway, so his testimony only serves to justify Rittenhouse shooting him. Guess that charge is done for.
>more soyjaks with maga hats The left literally can't meme. You've taken images meant to insult you and the best you can do is put a maga hat on it. Anonymous
>>957553 For months... Fucking MONTHS... we've been arguing the Rittenhouse case on /news/ and the legality of Grosskreutz's pistol. We now have confirmation that the man was illegally carrying his pistol. The man himself admitted that his license was expired.
>>957572 Rittenhouse’s gun was also illegal…
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>>957569 >the left can't meme No but when they make capeshit movies you people can't stop throwing money at them.
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>>957577 The difference is nobody has disputed that. If anything that's one compromise that the right has given the entire time of defending Kyle - that he might get weapons charges and that's it.
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>90% of the prosecutor's witnesses so far have basically done the defense's job for them beautiful
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>>957553 >muh boogaloo boys in trial Lefties need a new playbook.
>>957568 I'm going to assume "re-racking" is retard for pulling the charging handle. I don't remember seeing this happen, but I'll have to rewatch it. Given how quickly Kyle shoots him once he draws the pistol, I doubt he was doing this. Also this completely ignores that he chased Kyle down while Kyle was running away from the mob.
>>957577 Was it? Open carrying long guns is legal in Wisconsin, and the gun was his friend's, who lived in Wisconsin, so it didn't cross from Illinois to Wisconsin.
>>957597 Illegal for minors to open carry
>>957596 Watched the video again in slow motion, frame by frame, and Kyle's hands never leave the gun. His right stays on the pistol grip and his left stays on the barrel guard. There's a few milliseconds in one close up video that's blocked by some running black guy and Kyle's hands are still in the same position. If he was able to move his hand, pull the charging handle, and put his hands back in the same position while keeping the gun in roughly the same angle that fast then we need to break out the Navy SEAL copypasta because this kid is better than every top-tier operator that graduated first of their class with over 300 confirmed kills.
>>957600 There are weird laws in Wisconsin for people over 16 when it comes to long guns, but I'm no lawyer so I'll take your word for it.
>>957569 Cry about it. I'll post even more of them since it makes you so buttmad.
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>>957553 Ladys and Gentlemen i present to you THE Star witness of the prosecution lmao:
Defense Attorney: “When you were standing 3-5 feet from him with your arms up in the air, he never wasn’t until you pointed your gun at him, advanced on him with your gun, now your hands down, pointed at him that he fired.”
Gaige Grosskreutz: "Correct" Anonymous
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>>957658 Hang yourself leftist faggot, Kyle will walk.
>>957553 Why would rioters bring guns to a riot if not to shoot people who defend themselves?
>>957677 Obviously you need loaded rifles and masks to peacefully protest.
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>>957677 >>957683 Judging by the facts, leftists were rioting and ready to defend themselves to the death If anyone tried to even impede their ability to loot and damage the property of others.
Kyle, who appeared and was offering medical aid before tried to extinguish a fire set by the violent leftists was a victim of their riotous mentality and actions
I think that there's one thing that both the right and left sides can agree on: the city of Kenosha and the state of Wisconsin police and it's prosecutors are incompetent. Can anyone name one group that actually did their job?
>>957697 >Can anyone name one group that actually did their job? Defense was rock solid. Even with uncooperative witnesses.
The police officer witnesses did a good job.
The entire DA office was a clown show
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>>957683 At that point they are no longer rioters but armed marauders
>>957699 >The police officer witnesses did a good job. As witnesses sure, but I'd argue that the police at the scene should have taken Rittenhouse into custody that night instead of yelling at him to get the hell out of the road.
>>957702 I fully agree with you.
Even further, I feel that all the property damage and deaths are the responsibility of the police.
In this case the police stood back and allowed lawlessness to continue and people's lives and property were destroyed and people were harmed. It is there one job to stop crime, and they willingly allowed it to happen during these riots.
It's their fault everything got so out of hand no matter which way you cut it
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The guy was so destroyed by the end. All the Leftism completely drained from his face, all self-righteous confidence sapped. I hope everyone of you Antiftards witness his realization of the truth that he and all of you behind him were utterly in the wrong.
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>>957553 >communist revolutionary admits pulling a gun on a downed minor without having a valid concealed carry license >that fucking look on the prosecution lmao
>>957719 kyle should be acquitted, grosskreutz charged with attempted murder, and the kenosha police sued for abandoning a town and its people to lawless looters who attempted to execute a minor
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>>957553 >rawstory Start with a non biased source
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>>957568 True. He basically said "I thought he was going to shoot me, so I stopped surrendering. Then he shot me. I am upset I came in second place."
>>957603 The kid actually is better than most special forces. Incredible skill. Clearing a jam under pressure... you wouldn't believe how many men fail after training for hundreds of hours.
I say a prayer for you, true hero victim of deplorable violence, Sue that little deplorable's parents for every penny they have, Take their house, take their car, take their dog.
>>957754 >The kid actually is better than most special forces. Incredible skill. Clearing a jam under pressure... you wouldn't believe how many men fail after training for hundreds of hours. To be fair, 99% of the American military are completely useless. The average redneck hunter would destroy an entire squad of SOF these days. Even the average suburban conservative kid like Kyle is better than most infantry.
Now that the military has gone "woke" and full of tranny types, it is a complete joke.
>>957764 Ole "stumpy" one arm got off lightly. Most MAGA kids would not have simply winged his commie ass, when they would have been morally and legally justified to put that Nazi "Grosskreutz" in the dirt.
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>>957738 >kyle should be acquitted, grosskreutz charged with attempted murder, and the kenosha police sued for abandoning a town and its people to lawless looters who attempted to execute a minor Not just that, but the prosecutor, mayor, police are all related and were paid off to allow the town be attacked and avoided prosecuting any ANTIFA.
Now this sham trial that shouldn't even exist, when that Nazi Grosskreutz is who should be in jail, along with the aforementioned "elected" officials.
Lefties still can't meme, lel
>>957821 >Lefties still can't meme, le Leftists are too inbred and stupid to have a sense of humor. No sense of humor = no worthwhile memes or comedy. Is why SNL when to shit in the late 1990s.
>>957849 >Leftists are too inbred coming from the predominantly rural right, this is RICH.
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>>957850 Incest is a bigger issue in urban areas.
>>957850 Incest is common practice in Europe and Latin America and Africa especially. Was also common in China until Mao.
In the USA, incest is predominantly among immigrants and elitists/leftists.
Just look at Ashley Biden's diary talking about how Joe Biden would shower with her as a young girl, or how Hunter and his niece..... incest is common among leftists, especially gay incest.
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Even with this, I bet the jury still convicts. And if the kid walks, there will be riots by commie scum.
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>>957567 Back to /pol/ chud
>>957871 >he's projecting lmao, stay mad, CLETUS
Rittenhouse has lied about plenty of things regarding this case:>said him and his friend were going to guard a Dealership that was asking for help, in Kenosha >Didn't do it at all that night, in fact, no one at said dealership, including the people guarding it, saw them that night nor know who they are >claimed to be putting out a car that was on fire which instigated the first confrontation >not true, not a single bit of footage nor any other witness can attest to this, making it completely bunk, making it clear the 1st confrontation had other origins >lied about assisting those injured >no proof showing this nor witnesses who were helped by him, making this claim also bunk, showing that his intention that night was neither this He was there looking for trouble, but the prosecution is so fucking incompetent they'll practically hand the win to the defense.
>>957922 Do you ever get tired of lying? It's not going to help this case y'know?
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>>957920 Why are you nigger?
>>957922 Do you live on planet earth?
>>957925 >>957934 Okay, got any proof? Any evidence? Any witness testimony? Anything that carries weight in the court of law?
>>957779 I'm glad Kyle didn't kill him. I like there being one of them left alive to grow old and serve as a reminder of what happened. Especially after Kyle gets acquitted and he can't pretend he lost his bicep in a heroic way
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>>957955 This is Zimmerman trial all over again. Facts won't matter, Kyle is convinced by media lies and the trial outcome is irrelevant.
>>957922 >made up 'facts' what is the purpose of those lies? Did you think others didn't watch the trial like you?
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>>957777 Based quads of retardation. Lurk more.
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>>957938 Court of law is proceeding already. It is televised and you can watch it.
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>>957938 The trial have started. It's free on youtube. Watch it. If you're honest, you'll figured who the liar is.
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>>957977 No one fucking saw him nor knew him at the dealership, nigger.
Antifa is going to burn my city down if this chud gets off. I hope he gets railroaded with 2 life sentences. Manlet chud is going to get killed in prison.
>>957922 >He was there looking for trouble As opposed to the so called “victims”? Why was a convicted child rapist chasing a minor? Why did a felon bring an illegal handgun if he wasn’t looking for trouble?
>>958016 >>958016 The entire case has been meaning to aquit the brat.
They filed restraining orders against Black before the date even rolled up.
They have been manipulating the jury by having people who do think that what Rittenhouse did was wrong step down.
It's pretty rigged to let him walk.
Kenosha be damned or not.
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>>958016 >>958020 I hope ANTIFA comes for you both for being spineless faggots
>>958018 >Felon You're making shit up now, retard
Also Rittenhouse lives with his mother in Antioch. Only because he worked in Kenosha and his deadbeat dad lives in Kenosha doesn't mean he should have been in Kenosha.
>>958023 >you can't care about and want to protect a place if it isn't your official place of residence Okay.
>>958023 >You're making shit up now, retard Grosskreutz has a felony criminal record. Cope.
>Also Rittenhouse lives with his mother in Antioch 30 minutes away. Cope.
> doesn't mean he should have been in Kenosha He had more right to be there than the rioters. Cope.
>>958025 >Caring about shit that isn't yours Lmao, what a cuck
>>958028 leftists, everybody
>>957919 >I DO NOT WANT ANTIFA BURNING MY CITY DOWN. The get armed and do something about it if they try you nutless fucking worthless pussy.
The Kenosha Kid is a million times more of a man than you will ever be. That has to suck for you.
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Toradol From Canada
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>>958040 cope and seethe
in all seriousness, protecting others private property sort of hits close to the point "leftists" try to make in terms of caring for others, but as far as thing guy goes, dude literally put his life in danger and murdered individuals only to live with the scars of that night for the sake of some windows LMAO cuck'd by capitalism
>>958020 the laws are fucked and they favor this chud, the witness's testimony was good and hopefully this piece of shit gets some convictions. in the end you're right, it's rigged, but it's systemically rigged. dude knew he could get away with murder so he did it. he's pretty smart cuz he will get away with was something he was looking forward to do that night. these are the same laws those protestors were taking action against that night too.
>>958984 ew thats an insult to men lol
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>>959077 Not even Binger would make an argument that stupid
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>>959077 I wish you were there that night.
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>>959077 >in the end you're right, it's rigged, but it's systemically rigged. Fucking called it. I fucking called it. Trial isn't going the way leftists want it to be because they had no case to begin with and now they're reeeeing that the whole system is rigged. The trial isn't even over with and you already have people threatening to riot all over again until Kyle is found and killed.
theoneliberal kneejerksitself
Three blind liberals. Three blind liberals. See how they run. See how they run. They all ran after Kyle to take his life, Who cut short their life with a really long rife, Did you ever see such a sight in your life, As three blind liberals?
theoneconservative conservesitself
theoneconservative conservesitself Thu 11 Nov 2021 09:48:26 No. 959129 Report >>959128 I prefer the Iambic pentameter of this one instead
Three blind liberals. Three blind liberals.
See how they run. See how they run.
They all ran after Kyle to take his life,
Who cut short their lives with a really long rife,
Did you ever see such a sight in your life,
As three blind liberals?
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>>957572 the ANTIFA rioter was also a felon. meaning he cant be anywhere near a gun. just the fact he had a gun in his possession as a felon was a felony. he is not being prosecuted for it but he should be
>>957697 theyre not incompetent they are ideologically driven leftists purposefully allowing violence and mayhem to further their political agenda.
everything theyve done has been on purpose. ordering the police to stand down and allow the rioting and arson.
trying to prosecute a kid who obviously legally defended himself against 3 felon rioters with weapons
its all a joke
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american communists are fucking pathetic, we had a whole mob and 3 of our comrades couldn't kill some chud that was on the ground? how the fuck do we recover comrades...
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>>958026 Dr. Copium seems to be overprescribing.
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>>959077 >chud dilate you chapo fuck
itself itselfsitself
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>>959128 >>959129 I prefer the 2nd one MR itself.
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>>959078 you cant insult a cuck. and all men are cucks
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>>959131 >theyre not incompetent they are ideologically driven leftists purposefully allowing violence and mayhem to further their political agenda. >everything theyve done has been on purpose. ordering the police to stand down and allow the rioting and arson. >trying to prosecute a kid who obviously legally defended himself against 3 felon rioters with weapons >its all a joke Many at the street level are just mentally ill people.
That manlet sized child molester Kyle capped called Rosenbaum or something, had just been released from a mental institution like days before he attacked Kyle. He finally got a cure that worked.
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>>959131 >theyre not incompetent they are ideologically driven leftists purposefully allowing violence and mayhem to further their political agenda. >everything theyve done has been on purpose. ordering the police to stand down and allow the rioting and arson. >trying to prosecute a kid who obviously legally defended himself against 3 felon rioters with weapons >its all a joke Democrats are pure fascist scum now.
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>>957922 Name of the game, breh
>>957553 Kyle Rittenhouse is an American hero. As a USMC veteran, I realized that my enemies are not in Moscow, Bejing, or Tehran.
They are the rioting, crack smoking, low IQ, horse of violent thugs unleashed on hard working Americans by DNC predators.
No longer will I fight oil wars for billionaires. No, now I will defend my fellow Americans like mr. Rittenhouse did… You do not terrorize US citizens, and any BLM thug or Antifa goon will learn that lesson in hot lead.
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>>957553 >Lone survivor who was surrounded by a crowd of bystanders who were not injured at all Anonymous
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>>962184 do it faggot, see what happens
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Kenosha Kyle is pure CHAD and MAGA!
>>957614 Dont worry. With a first degree intentional Homicide charge on the block, that charge got thrown out. No reason to care when the chances are that the first is getting commuted to second in both charges it can be, for a comfy total of 120 years in Wisconsin state prison. And thats just the 2! there are three other fun charges to confirm before the final tally is over. The first kill doesnt count as self defense given the huge parking lot and 4 fucking plugs. IDK if First degree will stick because there WAS a reasonable doubt that Rittenhouse could have thought in the moment that he might have done all he can to mitigate taking a life... But he didnt. So thats 60 years in the clink per the law.
>>962379 Oh look we found a little judge! But wait the prosecution may have just violated Brady rights. Oh no!
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>>957553 He blew it.. wich is obvious because he is a terrorist. Lol you lost and will continue to loose.
>>962430 Thats a big may, since we dont know the redtap surrounding that footage, given its origins. The objection was over Prosecution possibly tampering with the drone footage, not that prosecution never handed it over, because they did. I doubt its going to lead to a mistrial, but I've seen bigger cases thrown out for less, so we will definitely see. Either that or the judge is just letting that slide since he hadn't said anything and we are going on day 3 of deliberation.
Just gonna say i wouldnt want to be in Kenosha if this becomes a mistrial.
>INB4 Rittenhouse 2 electric boogaloo shoots his way out of the courthouse when the mob forms to hang him Anonymous
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>>963100 Deliberation did not begin until late Monday and they didn't stay late, so I personally wouldn't count Monday.
Jury left early both Tuesday and Wednesday so they don't seem to be finishing soon.
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>>957553 Cope j*wish faggot
95% of people who watched the entire RittenhouseTrial: "Ya he's innocent". Majority of People who only watched CNN, NBCNews, CBCNews. MSNBC media report on it: "Kyle is a white supremacist vigilante with lust for blood! Lock him up forever and throw away the key!" Trump remains right, some media is just the enemy of the people
>>965230 >5% of people who watched the entire RittenhouseTrial: "Ya he's innocent". >Majority of People who only watched >CNN, NBCNews, CBCNews. MSNBC media report on it: "Kyle is a white supremacist vigilante with lust for blood! Lock him up forever and throw away the key!" >Trump remains right, some media is just the enemy of the people More than just "some" of the media is the enemy of America and freedom, I would say most if almost not all. Even Fox news is controlled by leftist Murdoch Jr. after his somewhat conservative dad retired from managing it.
Fuck the media.
>>965537 >More than just "some" of the media is the enemy of America and freedom, I would say most if almost not all. Even Fox news is controlled by leftist Murdoch Jr. after his somewhat conservative dad retired from managing it. This.
They are getting massive tax breaks from the """infrastructure""" bill as well. $25,000 for every employee
>>965563 >They are getting massive tax breaks from the """infrastructure""" bill as well. $25,000 for every employee That shit is disgusting and needs to be stamped out.
The US government is run by what is basically the mafia now. Totally corrupt and illegitimate.
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>>957553 him and his friends are convicts who rape kids, the people who support them support shoving dicks down a -15 year old's mouth and forcing him to suck on it. I'm not saying that unironically it's in the actual case record. CR20021139
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>>965660 >The US government is run by what is basically the mafia now. Totally corrupt and illegitimate. based
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>>965660 >That shit is disgusting and needs to be stamped out. >The US government is run by what is basically the mafia now. Totally corrupt and illegitimate. basedv282m