>>2801290I feel like your idea of hobbies is extremely warped by consooming and you spend way more time thinking about gear than actually doing said hobbies. There are tons of activities that have little to no cost of entry, and ones that require specific expensive equipment usually have a large used market or people that are willing to let you borrow.
>>2803701What's keeping you from hiking those two days? Gas money? If you're actually in a spot where you're waging every week and then either holing up to not spend money or physically recovering over the weekend, then you need to come up with a plan to get out. I've been there and it's very easy to get stuck in a loop. It is possible to wagie and live a fulfilling life.
>>2803980You might just be depressed man. I do the same shit where I create all these obstacles for myself that don't actually matter and then just end up feeling worse for not going. It helps to just be aware of when you start doing it, like thinking of the drive as an obstacle and then reframe that 2 hours is nothing to drive. Forcing yourself to go can break the cycle. Regardless of how bad I have felt before, I have only felt better for going and worse for not. Even just driving there, deciding you still don't want to hike and driving back will feel better than not going but chances are you probably will want to hike. You mentioned going alone, so I'm assuming you struggle to find partners but for me the stress of letting someone down almost completely overrides anything keeping me from wanting to go.
>>2806436You have definitely spent more time thinking about gear than using it.