>Grabbed my bag and ran into the woods>Ran for abit until I realised I could hear footsteps behind me>It was busty qt girl>Check in to see how she's doing etc.>Started to rain>Walk for abit>Come to a derelict storage shed thing>Looked more like a garage >Out of breath and sobering up>Fuck it, this will do>Sat in the shed with busty qt taking it in turns to drink a bottle of whiskey I brought >Never felt more like a hobo>Set up tent best I could>Opened up sleeping bag so we could both lay on it>Kinda just resumed kissing then fucked Following morning she admitted to not planning to fuck me when we first started kissing, said she was kinda loud and yeah, she was. Also one of the guys with us creeps on her all the time, asked her out many times only to get denied so took to waiting until she gets really drunk so she didn't want me to leave.
Went home and never spoke to any of them ever again, was a good holiday though.