>>1120712This is behind ridicule. A couple days ago a report related to the previous disaster where 70+ have died came out. It clearly states that were various errors, everything from emergency communication failures to the way how having politicians moving to the theater of action complicated even more the situation with all the necessary security procedures. Also major roads were kept open when they should have been closed as soon as the word of fires in the area came out, it's imposible to comprehend how so fucking incompetent can we be sometimes.
Yesterday all this mistakes happened again. The sad thing, our PM didn't even read the report in its full length but he still had the nerve to say that shit would be done better next time, but no, it only took a couple days to show the raging mismanage that goes on.
California and Australia are absolutely huge with large areas to burn, Portugal is a pos sizelet country and it still burns every single year. Spain is also having problems but has 4x the size of us and still has less burnt area and way less causalities. Almost 100 people have died due to forest fires, no year before has numbers even close to this bad.
Pic related, our incompetent interior minister who starts crying on the parliament when tries to explain what went wrong. This is the types we have in charge.
>>1120716Pepsi pls, Portugal is a liberal paradise where the word Trump makes many of morons here start shaking and having seizures. They would rather let all the place turn into ashes than being "mean". You also can't have anyone questioning since PM half brother is a major journalist in this country. So you have an idea, there's these media group that is being bought by foreign investors and the PM was already worried with the editorial line it may take. We deserve what we got.