I've forgotten more knots than I could name. Literally have one, maybe two per purpose.
Figure 8 variations are my favorite. They're quick, self tightening, easy to untie, and immobile.
Overhand, at least double.
Half hitch, usually double unless I'm hoisting.
Lark's head.
Square knot, with safeties.
Inline 8
Directional 8
Follow through 8
Clove hitch, with safety.
Bowyer's hitch
Barrel knot
Turle knot
Improved clinch
>>2086332I can't remember a knot unless I understand how it works, but once I can see the force that holds it together, I'll never forget it. Also lets me combine my small skillset to accomplish things that would otherwise require specialty knots.
Incidentally, I keep getting the bowyer's hitch wrong because I don't yet understand it.