>>1020992Kek, had to use my finger back then to get the camera to focus properly
>>1020995If you count in the germination container, mine are already in their 5th size pot now. As I've used a much heavier mix right now (garden clay, sand, compost), the current size should last them a bit longer (previously used the very light store-bought potting soil). As I'm planning to grow these as perennials (or at least 2 years - it will be a challenge at 50°N with no artificial lighting and extremely cloudy winters), I'm curious how big I'll have to eventually size up
>>1021011Yeah, my Cayenne also flowered in April indoors (pic), some of my strawberries flowered in mid-March outside, but then got hit by late frost in April
For a more meta thing, anyone up for a dedicated split-off /capsicum/ general? I mean when I first started going to /hgm/ back in 2015, a single thread was up for 3+ weeks, now we're at like 4 days, so a split off would make sense I think, considering it's one of the most popular genera grown on here. I guess for my next update in a couple days I'll just give it a try if no one else does and see how it goes