>>1891086OZS Do's:
Do: Stalk carefully, the zone is dangerous and unexplored. Bring water, rations, navigation and communication. If you can, bring fellow STALKER's.
Do: Stalk in full kit, you don't own gear just to take selfies in front of the mirror. You own gear to operate in. Hike 7 miles through the brush in your gear and you will quickly find out where the shortcomings in your LARP outfit are. Repair, replace and re access what you go out in for your next Zone entry.
Do: practice your 2nd amendment rights. Bring your weapons, war belts and knives. Become more comfortable carrying weapons and get used to handling loaded guns away from the shooting bench at your local fud range. Keep those safety's on, watch those muzzles and keep your finger off the trigger.
Do: Draw maps, take pictures and make sketches of the zone. Always obscure faces, OZS identities are top secret.
Don't: Damage the zone. Destroying foliage, wildlife and leaving trash will upset the zone and the forest jannies.
Don't: Put anything illegal in STALKER caches. No FFL or FFA items, no drugs, no Yankee Boogles or twisted coat hangers. STALKING the zone is not illegal, however the fun police are always on the lookout for fun to ruin. Fuck around and everyone's dogs are going to find out. Fuck around and you're going to wake up to a Vice article about how the southern poverty law center just put OZS on the WA hate group map.
Don't: Place OZS caches anywhere other than the zone. Do not send initiates onto reservations, private property or military land.