>>2241317kek I did grow up with this soviet-tier trash and they are really bad (right and middle)
the are dull, insecure and the metal is too soft. one screw is enough to destroy the screwdriver.
right is a victorinox swiss champ. I admit it seems to have good quality, I never really use it though because it is way too much (who the fuck needs a magnifying glass in a multitool?) it was also a present - I would never buy this myself
and I recently got this:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000015999868.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.5fe422e6akKuKm&algo_pvid=1eed24e9-7a21-4cb6-af8a-9a5e1ccb8ced&algo_exp_id=1eed24e9-7a21-4cb6-af8a-9a5e1ccb8ced-7&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2210000000038062697%22%7Dand I really love it - it's sharp sturdy and well designed - a godlike price/performance ratio
or look for "bibury" on amazon - really good budget multitools