>>1593955>moralist right wingers>weakling left wingers>slave to chad?Fuck off back to /r9k/, this is /out/. We'll be sitting tight in our 100% sustainable bug out cabins shitposting on our 10,000 watts of solar and wind energy while eating good off minimal hectares of sustainable farming. Bring close friends only, firearms and ammo, know how to raise basic animals, do simple foraging and hunting, and bushcraft. With multiple people, this becomes easier. Take chickens for example: They literally produce free food when raised right, and can be killed and eaten for lots of protein. And hey, if it's the apocalypse for real, shoot anyone trying to steal from you or take your land/resources.
So in conclusion, go back to /r9k/ or lurk until you get some knowledge.
Pic related: It's the 100% sustainable homestead we'll be sitting /cozy/ in when SHTF