>>282620>2014>comparing absolute percentages>not adjusting to size and populationUnited States
Population: 316,438,601
Land Mass: 9,826,675 sq km
Forested Land: 33.28 %
(3,270,317) sq km
Population: 127,253,075
Land Mass: 377,915 sq km
Forested Land: 68.55 %
(259,060) sq km
>yfw U.S. has 8.5x more forest than Japan has land.>yfw U.S. has 0.01 sq km forest per person>yfw Japan has 0.002 sq km forest per person>yfw U.S. has 5x more forest per person than Japan>yfw U.S. has enormous areas of land that are not forested, but still /o/ut (e.g., desert southwest)