>>106076The UN and global bureaucrats fund global warming propaganda. The IPCC and their army of pseudo scientists are paid well I imagine - to tow the line, they would obviously be out in the real world looking for real work if they didn't. Global problems obviously require global solutions and there is no opposition to the artificial debate because there is simply no money in it.
>>106109You are correct, the investment in 'alternative' sources is making a few people very rich but it will never scale up in time. 1 billion internal combustion engines will not be replaced, ever.
The US is in a serious conundrum. The US military machine alone sucks about 6 million barrels a day equivalent which is equal to the countries entire production, however it is never fingered as a major emitter of the evil CO2 gas because it is part and parcel of the UN world army and their crusades around the globe. The US population will pay dearly and already is, it will get much worse.
This is the reason peak oil/energy can never be uttered in the same breath as global warming - muh climate by the talking heads. In fact, energy conservation or peaking isn't discussed in the media at all in the US as far as I am aware and yet global warming is mentioned nearly every single day.
Except for peanut farmer president Carter back in the 70's mumbling something about wearing sweaters in winter, you would think the US is full of juice but its more like nearly empty.
Interesting times, a Chinese curse!