>>2199918>20% of gays have kids from prior heterosexual relationships, adoption, or surrogacyYeah. And being afraid to come out of the closet was the reason they got into that first heterosexual relationship in the first place. Which is my point.
Adoption is irrelevant because adopted kids do not inherit the genes of their adoptive parents.
And surrogacy is extremely uncommon and often illegal.
>the idea that gay people don't want kids is untrueAgreed. Still, most openly homosexuals are non-reproductive and surrogacy is a fringe exception that does not apply to the vast majority of gay couples that have kids.
>there is no objective biological test for gayness - so any research like yours claiming to know who is or is not gay is pablumThis is not how science works. You are just moving your goalposts to a retarded arbitrary standard of having a definite biological test when aforementioned brother studies are more than enough to prove that there is some biological aspect to that. Of course, it does not mean that gayness is entirely biological.
>we don't have any idea how common gayness is or ever was I have given you literal studies that go into great detail for both prehistoric and modern hunter-gathers and you shat out your reply less than 9 minutes after it, meaning that you didn't even fucking bother to read before spewing this trash.
Why even ask for studies if you're going to ignore them the moment you hear anything you vaguely disagree with, you fucking chud/tranny (not entirely sure which one).