Quoted By:
>This has been my main point for the whole thread if you'd bother removing your head from your ass and reading.
It's not my fault that you're utterly incoherent in your 4chan style of arguing.
>Read the sticky. Respect nature.
The sticky also mentions hunting. Are you against that as well?
Anyway, there's nothing disrespectful about OP wanting to protect his territory from what he perceives to be a pest.
>This is you trying to sidestep the issue because you can't think of a decent answer. "Ethics" aren't rules set into stone. Many ethics are unwritten rules of behavior that are implied. You know that and I know that.
Hah, wow. Just so you know there are entire schools of philosophy regarding ethical and moral relativity.
The "unwritten rules" are just as subjective as anything else and mankind has spent almost our entire history writing and rewriting these "unwritten rules". Ethics and norms are created by flawed, imperfect creatures and in no way hold any authority outside of the law over those who simply disagree with them. I'm not side-stepping anything. This is precisely what I'm arguing.
>OP is not a territorial animal.
OP is a human and humans are very territorial animals. If you don't believe, please refer to my pic.
>I honestly can't stand people like you and OP. You expect the world to just simply bend to your will. How adorably arrogant.
Isn't that what you're doing? Expecting other people to hold the same half-baked environmental philosophy as you?