Quoted By:
>be me out, million years ago
>sit down by abandoned railway in the woods near abandoned factory
>nice spot, so I take out my aquarells & start painting, I was into that shit back then.
>in the distance I see a guy walking out from the woods
>pick up binoculars
>it's a skinny, balding old fuck, completly naked except black socks and pic related
>he walks around the rails and starts jerking off. He doesnt see me
>he faps in the aun like a mad cunt
>cums, wipes of a leaf and leaves
>all my mood is ruined, decide to start carying big knoif from now on next to my good old swiss
Next story
>out with my big old dog
>god I loved her, she was a good companion, quite old at the time, but still loved hiking with me
>decide to rest at the edge of the forest near the dirt road, crops on the other side
>an old car stops not so far away
>fat 50yo cunt and aome ugly bitch
>they dont notice us because grass is tall by the tree where we sit
>they start making out
>they notice me
>dude comes at me, angry
>yells that I'm spying on him, demands to see whats inside my bag, "to make sure I don't have a camera" etc. (it was before smartphones age)
>I reliase he's having an afair and is afraid of it being discovered
>I was snickering at first, but I got super mad at this point
>like, literally I see red
>I get up and take out my bigg ass knoif
>it's pretty useless for /out/, shitty steel, but looks scary, has brass knucles (plastic) and pseudo-saw and is pretty big. I was carying it ever since that adventure with old balding masturbation enthusiast
>who the fuck do you think you are, motherfucker, you want my fucking bag? Come and take it you shit! - I yell some nonsense insults
>old fat fuck is bigger than me but I'm taller and super mad, I go at him
>he fucks off to his shitty car and his fat ugly lover bitch and drives of leaving dust
>I sit back down and realiase what just happened
>I would have sliced that asshole
>pet my old dog, chillout, and head home