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Morning, sc/out/s.
I'm planning a sort of national parks tour for the summer, where I'll be dispersed camping my lonesome way east to west across the States.
I'll be in bear and cougar and wolf territory, for the first real time ever (never encountered a grey wolf in Michigan)
So I was curious about defense, and how to properly protect myself.
Is avoidance the way to go? running into dangerous wildlife seems like something that can just happen, despite precautions.
I do own and would probably be taking my bolt .22, for small game and the like, but I dont think Ill be able to work da bolt and put down a brown bear if it really comes to it.
So I was thinking of getting a backpacking rifle, possibly the Kel Tec sub2000.
What are the laws pertaining to carrying rifles across state lines and into forests? Or, where can I find the answers to these questions?
Any advice welcomed