Quoted By:
This happened to me back in 2013 when I was into exploring abandoned buildings.
>southwestern ontario
>on my way home from highschool through one of the forested routes I used to take
>lots of old abandoned farm plots along the way
>decide to check out an old victorian-era house that had been abandoned for about 20 years
>house was all boarded up except for a small hole through one of the windows
>it was so small that I could barely squeez through it
>once I finally squeezed through I turned on my flashlight
>the house still had a bunch of old furniture and other items in it so I looked around
>for whatever reason I got a really eerie feeling in my gut that I had never really gotten before while exploring other abandoned houses in the area
>decided to ignore it because I'm not a superstitious schizo
>the house was really strange, shit just seemed out of place everywhere
>the kitchen had random old machines built into the walls and bolted in the ground (will post later)
>there were stairs on the second floor that led to literally nothing
>the basement entrance took up the entirety of the floor in one of the bathrooms (will also post later)
>but the most unsettling thing about the entire house was that there was a strange noise coming from the basement, it sounded like a very high-pitched scream but I'm almost positive it was the wind
>the basement looked creepy as fuck, so I took a pic of it from the stairs and left the house
>at this point I was feeling very uneasy but decided to check out the shed
>as I was walking to the shed I noticed that it was the only thing not boarded up, the door was even cracked open
>as I approached I felt completely unsettled and the erie feeling I had intensified
>I stood at the door and tried to listen for a bit before I opened it
>I didn't hear anything but I still felt very cautious so I decided to pull out my camera and just take a photo of the inside so I could examine it later