>>1071629>Well from the sounds of it, I dont think OP is doing this everyday,Yeah, sure, but I figured it's worth mentioning. Even the occasional half day in shitty two stroke fumes really can ruin your weekend. Specialized chainsaw oils as the one you mentioned certainly help (compared to the pre-mix for mopeds and such you sometimes can get at gas stations), but for me personally, it's worth the additional €5 per day for "good" fuel.
>But I wouldnt agree with your point about the chain and bar. A Bar if maintained properly will last a very long time. Your chain if hand filed, and maintained will also last you a good while.True, but it probably also lasts a good while with salad oil. Maybe even longer, if you only use it a few times a year, since salad oil will not gunk up and solidify as some chain oils will during storage. Again, as with the Aspen suggestion, I figure it's worth giving out the info, hoping that OP will do some additional research and draw his own conclusions. But dedicated chain oil is certainly not a bad thing per se.
>how do you carry the wood around when it's cut? an ATV with a trailer? a mule?I'm only working in steep terrain, so I have a large winch and a tractor that both can pull a few tons. For "detail" work or small stuff, I just use pic related. If you only do small amounts, you probably can cut your tree into meter pieces on location and drag them out with that by hand.