>>1614648>>1614674>>1614695now lets talk about bait
for live bait your options are basically
>insects>minnows>other invertibratesinsects you might use would be crickets, grasshoppers, meal worms, maggots; aquatic insects like helgramites, and just about anything else with 6 legs living in the grass (see:
>>1614080 )
>minnowsthere are a lot of different species of minnow, the most common ones in bait shops being fathead minnow, which are usually sold by size (small, medium, large) but they may also have shiners, shad, suckers, or a wide variety else of small baitfish
>other invertbratesclams, crawdads, worms, leeches, snails, mussles, crabs, shrimp, squid, and just about everything else that a fish might eat are also bait
>food productsbread, corn, meat, dog food, cheese, sausage, and more has all been used as bait successfully. my favorite catfish bait is chicken liver.